Injured combs


9 Years
May 12, 2013
So, this morning we had a visit from (I think) a Fox. We’ve never had a issue with foxes here before and I’ve free ranged my chickens without predator incident. My eight 17 week old hens were locked in their run and all of the sudden they were creating such a ruckus. Flying all around and making so much noise. I didn’t see anything at first but then did see some movement in the foliage near the run and as my husband and I opened the slider door we saw a bushy tail jump and was gone. Upon inspection almost every chick has an injury to her comb. A couple bleeding a little. I can’t figure out why. I’m thinking maybe in their fright they were pushing against the chicken wire so hard, with their beaks through the holes, that they injured themselves. Ugh. Is there anything I should do? The bleeding has stopped on the ones that were bleeding.
I agree that they probably injured the combs against the wire.

Chicken combs usually heal pretty fast. I would probably just leave them alone.

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