Injured/torn comb. Should I clip it or let it heal?


In the Brooder
Aug 29, 2023
Hi all. Somehow during some commotion in the run my 6 month old buff Orpington hen tore her comb. It bled pretty good and is definitely separated a bit. Of course I’d love for it to heal on its own, but it’s been two days now and it still is somewhat separated. I’ve separated her from the flock, cleaned the wound and applied neosporin.

I’ve read that some people suggest clipping off part of the comb if injuries happen. I can’t imagine doing this but just wondering if I should consider it? Pics are from this morning! Thanks in advance for advice :)


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Let it heal, and I would reintroduce her to the flock as soon as is possible now that it is healing.
I typically let them free roam in the yard for a few hours a day. I tried to let her join them yesterday and one of the hens immediately went after her! I then read some people suggested to let it fully heal until reintroducing her with the flock… you think I should try reintroducing sooner?
I'd leave it alone, clipping it seems drastic for a minor wound.
Yeah I agree it seems drastic! I guess I was just worried if it doesn’t heal back together if there’s something I should do. She’s my first injured chicken so I’m just extra worried for her 😆
It looks like it’s scabbing up fine. I’d give it a couple more days to see if it heals properly. No point in clipping if it heals up.
It’s hard to tell from the pics but it is still separated in that cut area. I’m hoping it will heal back together but I guess even if it just forms scabs on both sides that would still be good
I typically let them free roam in the yard for a few hours a day. I tried to let her join them yesterday and one of the hens immediately went after her! I then read some people suggested to let it fully heal until reintroducing her with the flock… you think I should try reintroducing sooner?
Do you have any Blu-Kote you can put on it?

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