Injury to back of neck - One month old


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2015
One of my new month old chicks has a bare patch on the back of her neck. I am thinking one of the big girls picked at her through the cage. But that is just a theory. Could it have been something else that caused this? I have put blukote on it. Any other suggestions?
I did. Thank you for asking. I was feeling like the lonely kid at the corner table in the lunch room. lol

A local more experienced friend was able to tell me what to do. She is doing fine now. It just looks kinda gross with the scab on it.
Yeah, I know the feeling!

If you post when a lot of other people are, that post can get pushed into oblivion pretty quickly. I make a point of selecting "unanswered posts" and go to page 16 just to try to let people know they aren't alone out there :)

Did you figure out how it happened? Pecking party?

I am glad to read that she is now healing, and I am very glad you found some support!
Yes, I found out. My husband's a dumb *****! He thought he would hold one of the chicks up to the full size hens to introduce them and the miscalculated the speed of the big girl. He works swing shifts so once I got a chance to talk to him, he fessed up.

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