inner city peafoul

Good lucks with your peas,.

We saw two males at the zoo last Sunday and they were making the most awful screeches. I think they were trying to attract females. They did it off and on until we left for home. I don't think any of girls were interested. I have never heard them do that before.

Also the guineas were making a lot of noise too. Usually they just go after the visitors trying to get fed.
Not sure what you want us to say. You asked:

i am hoping to train them to stay on the roof by gradually letting them explore the rest of the roof garden with the hope they will always return to their home, the greenhouse. do you think this will work?

And everyone has said no, for various reasons. It's nothing against you or your lifelong dream. It just isn't a good idea for birds who spook easily to be 10 stories up in the air with clipped wings.

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