Integrating flocks - differing food requirements?


13 Years
Jul 6, 2009
Hello, I have read the posts on integrating new chicks into your existing flock with the See but No Touch method. But no where have I seen anyone post about the food requirements for 8-week old pullets compared to the older flock eating layer food. Maybe I missed it. I have seven 8-week old Orpingtons and four 3-year old Orpington hens. We just put the 8-week old pullets outisde into their own temporary coop/run beside the existing one.

All the posts I have read talk about letting them see each other for a week or two and then open the barriers, and putting then together as soon as possible. But I just read the chick crumbles bag and it says to feed them the chick food for 16 to 18 weeks. So that means I cannot integrate the flocks until my pullets are at least 16 weeks old!!! With one flock you cannot control who eats out of which feeder. Do you feed your young ones the same food as the older ones? What are your thoughts?

I am afraid that spending 8 weeks in the temporary coop will make them not want to go into the regular coop.
Idk what others do but I have two feed stations and two watering stations.. one of each inside and out. One feeder has layer feed (outside) Chick feed (inside) as I noticed the chick's spend more time inside then out.. they all eat periodically from both feeders and have oyster shells freely available for my layers.. have had no issues as of yet
The standard way to address this is to feed them all a low calcium feed and offer them oyster shell on the side. The ones that need the calcium from the oyster shells for their eggshells seem to know it and the others don't eat enough to arm themselves. I have immature birds in the flock almost constantly and never feed Layer.
I feed all my flock an 18% protein grower feed, and then when I have chicks I will mix in a bit of 20% chick starter.
It works out rather well, as the chick starter is in smaller pieces, so the smaller birds go after that more then the big ones do.

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