Interesting feathers


7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
This cockeral is a cross between either a BSL x Partridge Rock roo, or a Barred Rock x Partridge Rock roo. What do you guys think? Is this speckled or just a poor barring pattern. I think he is georgeous but he is really a surprise out of those mixes. Any ideas what genetics played out it this? BTW, can I get a better explaination of the speckled pattern and is it dominant?

Beautiful roo
I would have to say the only explanation for this bird is the BSL route because of the mixing in that hybrid.

This bird cannot be the result of crossing two purebred rocks because he ended up with white legs (Rocks have yellow legs). And because hatcheries very commonly throw Orpingtons into their egglayer stock to mix into their hybrid parent lines, that would explain the dominant white legs squeaking into the equation (my SLs have white legs too).

From what I understand, partridge is a recessive melanizer trait, which, when mixed with all the hybrid hoohah going on with a BSL, makes for unpredictable stuff unless you are FAR more experienced with chicken genetics than your average joe like me :p.
If his father is Partridge Rock his mother can not be BSL- they are golden based. His mother has to be silver based so he can be black and white.
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I was wondering about that also....but if he is out of the barred rock, then how is he getting white legs? And it has to be either a BSL or BR mother, those are the only hens I have of laying age and only the one rooster.

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