Interesting Rooster


Apr 9, 2019
Rimrock, AZ
So a friend of mine who lives in an area where I believe the whole city can't have roosters. One day she found a rooster in her yard. It had to have traveled far to get there as no one near by can have roosters as I said. So she couldn't keep it but I live out in the country and had to get rid of my rooster due to egg smashing and agression. So I took it home to my flock. He integrated very well, did his dance for the ladies and some were quite impressed. He has been a fantastic rooster but i have no idea what he is. At first i thought he was a Swedish Flower Hen but recently that same friend discovered the Aloha Chicken which is native to Arizona where we live. I assume that's what he is but i was curious if anyone had better experience with identifying either breed.
having read this I think it may be. It looks quite like my Sven though, and he's a SFH (and a great top roo in the flock) View attachment 1832110
Yes he does look quite similar. Looking at pictures of SFH is what made me think he was. But after discovering the Aloha and considering my location it's more likely he is Aloha but I have no idea how to even tell. But he is a fantastic rooster. Looks after the girls, will break up fights, keep the babies safe from the teenagers if they get too intense. He does the egg song with my hens and even the neighbors hens and will stick his head into the coop to cheer on any hens who are laying.
I have no idea how to even tell
there is no standard for SFH, so I don't think anyone can (though others may correct me on that in due course). I imagine Greenfire farms would be the best source of info on US SFH, since they seem to have started the importation. I agree with you about him being more likely to be an Aloha given your location.

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