International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

If you are asking about my hens and cockerels- Millbrook is not related to any for sure.
The others- I bought 18 eggs (12/6)from 2 backyard breeders. At lockdown I had 2 from one breeder and 8 from another. I think FireStorm and both hens(pullets) are from the same lady, but can't be sure, , and I am assuming she only had 1 rooster, but that is just an assumption. I could contact her I still have her number. Is it important?

The pullets certainly don't seem related, to my eye.

can you post pics of millbrook and the other boys?

your girls need a colourful boy for sure.
And here is Firestorm. He seems longer and tail higher than I recall from a few months ago as well. He has better copper colour (I think) but has a ton of copper on his chest, too. No tail fluff. What do you think? ((sigh))

Will post photos of my two BCM hens next.

Firestorm is much better .we only have to to control the amount of the copper in the future progeny . tail is not that bad .

I need to see the pullets before I can tell you which cockerel to work with .
chooks man

I do like this cockerel a lot ,he has great body type ,priceless copper just too much of it . great stand ,good head .good comb a little larger but correct .
love his name too .
his tail is not that bad .pure black free from any parasitic white that is plus for sure .

chooks man
Chooks Man
Thank you for the complement on my flock. I am waiting for my pullets first eggs. Will be a while as were are going into winter season here. Egg color is my Holy Grail search, but type and proper color are how I have been pairing my birds. My hens have great type and 90% have nice hackle color. All are laying a 5-6 in the egg color. I am looking strongly at tail width or spread in this group.
Will bred as many as I can feed this year. I have one cock bird that is coming 3 years this spring. Arthur II . Will post pic of him soon. I have two of his sons that will breed with later. Both of these cockerels have too much copper in the chest , but they produce really nice colored hens.
Will need advice on pairing, Arthur II over daughters or just over last years hens. New cockerels over mothers or non related 2 year old hens??
Last years flock looks real good, so I can just use Arthur II over those hens. I know what they should produce. Then just bred the best to the best! Again thank you for the nice complement.

if Arthur II with last year hens produce good progeny .than pair them again this season and produce more of a good quality chicks . if you mark the eggs from each hen than it is easier to work with half sibling next year .
I like breeding from half sibling . double dose of the sire and 2 different w chromosome from the 2 Dams . great formula .better than Sire over his Daughters .

love to see photos of Arthur and his sons .
chooks man
If you are asking about my hens and cockerels- Millbrook is not related to any for sure.
The others- I bought 18 eggs (12/6)from 2 backyard breeders. At lockdown I had 2 from one breeder and 8 from another. I think FireStorm and both hens(pullets) are from the same lady, but can't be sure, , and I am assuming she only had 1 rooster, but that is just an assumption. I could contact her I still have her number. Is it important?

The pullets certainly don't seem related, to my eye.

photos of them please .I can tell you if I see them .
chooks man
And Ebony.
Her tail usually doesn't look THIS high- when she is free ranging and relaxed it is better.

She is a better Marans size, but tail is longer and higher, and her copper is sort of hidden. You probably can't even see it in the photos, but its there, its just not on all the feathers, more like you have to wait until she turns her neck and then you get flashes of it.

So... I know they arent beauties.. lol but who shall I pair together? Thanks so much for anyones's input!!

I don t think your 2 pullets are related to the cockerels .they are too dark .
any way the best cockerels for them is for sure Firestorm , he will add copper to his pullets progeny the hens will minimize the amount of copper in they male progeny .
problem will be .they will produce large floppy comb . half of them for sure . plus long tails .

Ebony will produce better progeny . some will have high tail but they will be bigger and properly colored .

chooks man
I don t think your 2 pullets are related to the cockerels .they are too dark .
any way the best cockerels for them is for sure Firestorm , he will add copper to his pullets progeny the hens will minimize the amount of copper in they male progeny .
problem will be .they will produce large floppy comb . half of them for sure . plus long tails .

Ebony will produce better progeny . some will have high tail but they will be bigger and properly colored .

chooks man
Ok, thanks Chooks man. I will wait to breed both of them, not planning on it til June - and I will hope Cyclucks fills out.

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