Introducing new chicks


Yooper in the coop
Apr 13, 2022
This is the solution i came up with yesterday to introduce some new chicks to my flock. Works pretty well and none of the birds have tried flying into the pen.

Meat birds will be staying in there until they're ready to eat, but how long should I keep the new layers, about a week? I'll will be feeding them next to each other so they get used to eating together.

Here's some glamour shots of the stinkers:
PXL_20230415_173355459.MP.jpg PXL_20230415_173405274.jpg PXL_20230415_173407977.jpg
The little ones can possibly fly/jump over it though. I've only had it happen once, and no harm done (I kept checking up on them as I'm aware it's a possibility), the chick was just mildly upset.

I had a batch last spring who were amazing escape artists. I actually found them up on the main roost with the adults when they were only 3 days into the integration process.

I've heard of serious integration problems, but I've been really fortunate with mine.
I had a batch last spring who were amazing escape artists. I actually found them up on the main roost with the adults when they were only 3 days into the integration process.

I've heard of serious integration problems, but I've been really fortunate with mine.
Yesterday I found one of the chicks outside the coop, even after putting up more chicken wire. She was sitting outside crying in the snow trying to figure out how to get back inside. Really glad I found her soon enough!

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