Is $200 a good price for small, used coop?

I think 200 is too much. I built mine for around 125 in materials from Lowes. Maybe put an add in your local paper for a handy man/carpenter. There are lots of people out of work right now that would jump at the chance to make some extra cash.A good handy man could build you one I'm sure in a day.125 for materials and 75 for labor and you have a nice new Coop for the same price. Look here at some of the coops for ideas on designs. I designed mine around the size of the lumber I used. Less cutting means less waste.
Around here you can get a used "in average condition" coop for $50 + if you look hard enough... $200 is way to steep for 4 hens AND he won't even let you see it first! I built my 8' x 8' coop for about $75 using reclaimed materials and some pressboard from Home Depot....
I would RUN, not walk away from that deal. Sounds fishy and a bit scary. If they won't show you the coop and demand your money first, they are a bad deal waiting to happen. Protect yourself and your family. Run! There are a lot of coops out there. Worst case, hire a handyman off Craigslist and have him/her build you something for a fair price.
After looking at various coops for several months, I decided to build my own, well sort of. Sears ran an add for a 10x12 garden shed in Dec. for 295.00. I purchased the shed and am in the process of putting it up. I'll build my own roost out of tree limbs and nesting boxes out of extra pieces of plywood I have laying around my place of business. I figure for about another 50 bucks (for screws, hinges, etc.) I can have a first class coop for my new girls to call home. FYI, I bought a 6x6 homebuilt coop with three nest boxes and a roost for 150.00. one side is hinged and swings up for warm months allowing for an extra bit of shade. I have 5 hens in there and they seems to do just fine.

I would look elsewhere.

Just my .02
You can get free shipping box and go from there. The project would cost you $100 and big enough for 10-15 chickens. If I have to do over again, the floor will be 1/2" hardware wire cloth for less cleaning.
Unfortunately the owner of the coop said I cannot stop by to check out the condition/layout/size. That alone should probably be a red flag. And I've asked for pictures, but he never sent them. That being said, if the price was low enough, I would take just about anything knowing that with TLC I could make a great home for some hens...but it sounds like $200 isn't a low price.

Onward with the coop search, I suppose! Thank you for the opinions and advice!!

The guy sounds like a jerk. I would tell him yes, go check it out and leave if you didn't like it. Screw him. $200 isn't low, he's playing games. Exterior nest boxes aren't all that, just my opinion but I feel like they let in a LOT of cold for very little return. My girls wouldn't even use them on the coop I bought. I ended up knocking them off and putting a shelf inside and they liked that better.
Suezqz, the exterior nest boxes is the only thing I was told to be sure to have by my uncle who once had chickens. He said going into a coop for eggs will get me pecked to death, and I must admit that his statement sort of freaked me out (he even provided details of how his hands were covered in blood after getting eggs from his coop - eek). I've never been around chickens, so all of this is new to me. The last thing I need is to have a chicken spaz out on me while my sons or I collect eggs.

Although I'm great with animals and plan on raising the hens with a hands on approach, it would be nice if my sons could take part in the egg collecting process. They're just as excited about the chickens as I am!
I've never had a problem with being pecked while collecting eggs. 90% of the time when I collect eggs the hens aren't even sitting in the nest box. If one is I just reach under her and grab the egg or I move her off the nest to get the egg. No problems. She might get a little vocal once in a while but that's all.
Speedy2020 can you please tell us where we can get a free shipping box large enough to house 10 - 15 chickens! Sounds great!

Suezqz, the exterior nest boxes is the only thing I was told to be sure to have by my uncle who once had chickens. He said going into a coop for eggs will get me pecked to death, and I must admit that his statement sort of freaked me out (he even provided details of how his hands were covered in blood after getting eggs from his coop - eek). I've never been around chickens, so all of this is new to me. The last thing I need is to have a chicken spaz out on me while my sons or I collect eggs.

Although I'm great with animals and plan on raising the hens with a hands on approach, it would be nice if my sons could take part in the egg collecting process. They're just as excited about the chickens as I am!

I have to admit, having nest boxes on the outside did sound like a convenience to me but in my instance, the boxes were too small, the chickens avoided the area, and because it was more exposed to the weather (the design allows rain to slide down the side of the coop and enter the boxes from the hinged area creating a damp environment and black mold). My girls don't peck me when I go for the eggs which is a good thing because only the top half of me fits through the door and I'm extremely vulnerable. lol Chickens tame quite nicely, you shouldn't have any problems especially planning to hand raise them.

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