Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

I ordered a large Premeir plate in mid-Feb when they were back-ordered to March 1.   I ordered some water bottles to bring the order up to $100 and asked them to ship together. But, I called March 4 and they had moved the back order date to "early April."  My chicks arrive around April 7, so the representative put a note on my order to cancel the order if it doesn't ship by April 3.   If it hasn't shipped, I will then go out  and get a heat lamp and water bottles locally for this first batch of chickens. I don't want to spend the money right now on something I (hopefully, if my chicks survive) won't use until next year.

I am in te same type of situation. The had to call me to confirm card number on Friday?? I think. And said that order would be shipped out Monday. That didn't happen. I am sending an email tomorrow
Update: Just hatched my first chicks of the year, and they are comfortable snug under my heat plate (Premier). I followed other's suggestions and lowered the back legs down to simulate a mother hen. I really like the Premier because of the adjustment and because it is larger than the Brinsea. Plus, you can see under it much easier!
Update: Just hatched my first chicks of the year, and they are comfortable snug under my heat plate (Premier). I followed other's suggestions and lowered the back legs down to simulate a mother hen. I really like the Premier because of the adjustment and because it is larger than the Brinsea. Plus, you can see under it much easier!

My chickies are still happy with mine. If they're not under it or on it, they are using it as a launch pad to practice flying!
I really like the idea of the Premier heat plates...But sadly, they are on backorder til April 1st :(. The price is appealing as well.

I think I will be ordering one to keep around for in the future. The heat lamps really scare me with the chance of fires...
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Lacy Blue found this video on YT and I thought you all would find this interesting. I had already planned on using this idea and didn't know someone else had beat me to the punch...and even used the same brand/size heating pad as I have. For those of you who are afraid of heat lamps and can't afford the heat plates or cannot get them due to the backorder, the heating pad used here is around $20 at Walmart...can't remember the actual price. I have a wire fencing frame I'm using to mold my heating pad into the appropriate shape and to keep it elevated off the bedding so the chicks can get under seems like she might have done the same thing here but we just can't see it.


My chicks hatched today so I'm trying out the heat plate! I put the bantams that I'm keeping with it. It's a very small "nursery" brooder - about 2 X 2 - the heat plate takes up most of the area and the small feeder and waterer are at the other end. I put the chicks in the brooder between the plate and the food. When I looked a few minutes later there were no chicks to be seen! They were all stuffed under the heat plate without even a peep!

I've spent the morning getting the other chicks adjusted with their heat lamp - up and down to get it right. They're doing much more peeping. Still, no sound from the heat plate chicks......

At one point I saw 2 right along the edge looking out. They're d'Uccles, and words really can't express how stinking cute they are! So far, so good!

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