Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

I plugged in my heat plate when it arrived and just had it on my kitchen counter. checked it after about 20-30min and hardly noticed it was hot at all. Did you notice about how long it took to get to that "hot" temp? Maybe I'll plug it back in today and just leave it on and see... I'm just curious to see if I feel like it's hot to the touch or not.
I think the severity of the heat is subjective to whoever is feeling the plate as some people have more sensitive skin than others to heat and cold. Some are reporting they can leave their hands on the plate without any problem and a few are reporting that it burns to do so.
I agree..I think it's hard to compare how hot something 'feels', like comparing how spicy something is.

Only way to know for sure is to use an infrared thermometer to measure the surface temp.
I used a thermometer sensor from my remote station on the surface of a heating pad, it was anywhere from 105-120 degrees.
I agree..I think it's hard to compare how hot something 'feels', like comparing how spicy something is.

Only way to know for sure is to use an infrared thermometer to measure the surface temp.
I used a thermometer sensor from my remote station on the surface of a heating pad, it was anywhere from 105-120 degrees.

Oh good idea!! I will have my husband bring home their infrared therm from work. What is the temp that Premier says it should stay under? Anyone know??
Somewhere in this thread, someone contacted the manufacturer and they cited the temp what the surface should be when read with a infrared thermometer..and I'm thinking at was 110-120f, but I CRS so won't guarantee it.. Not much help, sorry.
The plate took at least a couple of hours to get quite hot. But, by this morning over half the chicks were sleeping under the plate and the rest were spread around edge of the heat lamp where the temp was only about 80 - they were sleeping around the thermometer. So, I it seems that the experienced chick follks are right and the 90-95 degree brooder recommended by hatchery might be a bit warm. By the time they arrived here, they were 3 days old afterall. I can't quite force myself to turn off the heat lamp cold turkey. but will raise it and make it go away by late morning when temp in garage should be hitting 50 or more. By evening they should be used to going to the plate to get warm. Thanks so much for the replies.
I find no significant difference in temperature between the Premier and Brinsea plate. If you think it's too hot, lift it up higher so the chicks can't touch it. I have had no issues with chicks using either, even if they are able to touch the plate.
What is the lowest temps anyone on here has used there heat plate in? Lowest low this weekend is 43
I copied one of my posts below back when I was using my heat plate.

We had another winter storm come through last night. Lots of ice/sleet/freezing rain around us. Luckily, we missed the freezing stuff. We did get the cold temps and wind. Temp this morning was 22 degrees on the front porch. Temp inside the shop where the chicks are was 29 degrees . Water was froze in the dog buckets, but water for the chicks had no ice.

Here are my babies under the warmer. All 21 fit with no problem. Yes, chicken math has already struck.

Here they are after I moved their curtain back from the top of the box to give them more light. Everyone accounted for, running around eating/drinking.

Today's temp is supposed to get to 32 degrees, then another low 20's for tonight as another storm comes through.

When I was using mine, the temps got down into the low 20's upper teens. The temp in the shop was warmer. It has a concrete floor, no insulation and no heater. My chicks did fine.
I copied one of my posts below back when I was using my heat plate.

When I was using mine, the temps got down into the low 20's upper teens. The temp in the shop was warmer. It has a concrete floor, no insulation and no heater. My chicks did fine.
That is good to know. thank you for anwsering my questions. My chicks will be in an old barn. I will make sure they are blocked from drafts. They will be nearly 4 weeks when I put them out. Right now they are in my room (yay, it was nice for a little while, but now I am having to clean the cage everyday because they get it so dirty) and some were panting on the cool side so i had to shut the heat lamp off.
That is good to know. thank you for anwsering my questions. My chicks will be in an old barn. I will make sure they are blocked from drafts. They will be nearly 4 weeks when I put them out. Right now they are in my room (yay, it was nice for a little while, but now I am having to clean the cage everyday because they get it so dirty) and some were panting on the cool side so i had to shut the heat lamp off.
I put about 15 4 week old chicks out in my outdoor hoop coop with the heat plate. They never bothered with it. I put them under it the first night, and they crawled out and huddled in a group next to it to sleep. Temps got below freezing and never lost a chick. I pulled the plate out within a few days.

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