Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

So, my chicks loved the heat plate and then quit using it last week - they never did roost on top at night. So, I moved 15 (all the New Hampshires and Brown Leghorns) out to the coop last night, but kept the 8 Barred Rocks in the brooder with the heat plate, since three of them are closer to naked than feathered right now. They are all 4 weeks old.

The Barred Rocks slept on the far end of the brooder from the heat plate and slept well in the 55 degree garage. The group I moved to the coop, I put a heat lamp on (high, but enough take the chill off the air, as it got down to 44 in the coop, and they don't have head feathers yet). The group I moved to the coop was up all night moving around, peeping in a not panicked but not relaxed way (don't ask me how I know). I think it was the light - they had been used to sleeping in the dark since day 3 - and, of course, it was a new place and arrangement, but I moved them at noon to a small corner of the coop. Maybe the leader is in the Barred Plymouth Rock group?

So, tonight I'll put the heat plate in with the 15 in the coop, as temps are dropping into the 30s again, and I hope that will let them get used to the coop at night. I know I won't (be able to) baby every batch of chicks like this, but first time chick motherhood is harder on me than them.
I have the small heat plate from Premiere and have loved it... or I should say the chicks have loved it. They are now a little over 3 weeks old and tonight is the 2nd night they are not sleeping under it... they are in the corner sleeping together. They also spend little to no time under it during the day too. They like to hide under it sometimes but they will sit towards the edge and wings spread more. I am thinking I will turn it off tomorrow. I feel bad taking away their hiding spot though... but I will need the heat plate for new chicks coming this week. Good timing I suppose :)
I have the small heat plate from Premiere and have loved it... or I should say the chicks have loved it. They are now a little over 3 weeks old and tonight is the 2nd night they are not sleeping under it... they are in the corner sleeping together. They also spend little to no time under it during the day too. They like to hide under it sometimes but they will sit towards the edge and wings spread more. I am thinking I will turn it off tomorrow. I feel bad taking away their hiding spot though... but I will need the heat plate for new chicks coming this week. Good timing I suppose :)

Buy a little step stool for them
The prices went up!

When I ordered in April, the small one was $42 and the big one was $69.

Now they're $49 and $71,
Not surprising...they tested the market, went low to gather customers, now they can raise prices...textbook capitalism.
At least there's more than one manufacturer to choose from now.
Not surprising...they tested the market, went low to gather customers, now they can raise prices...textbook capitalism.
At least there's more than one manufacturer to choose from now.
They are still the cheapest in the market for this type of product...
By big plate and small plate do you mean the 50 chick plates and 25 ones or the 35 and 15 ones. If you are talking about the second option, you can get them cheaper on that Irish website I linked to

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