Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

The kiddos all ended up going under the plate after having it in with them for about 4 hours. I did keep the heat level dialed back to about 3/4 on the lamp dimmer controller overnight.

It's a good thing they got the hang of it because I broke my heat bulb last night then we had an item almost start a fire on the stove in the kitchen. I had to open all the windows and air everything out (they're not in the kitchen but the smoke would have been too strong if I hadn't opened everything) it was about 45 degrees in the room they are staying in overnight.

They slept under it all night long in peace with no issues.
I just got my shipment today - 2 days after ordering! WOW fast shipping! I'm impressed with how heavy it is!

I plugged it in and left it running for about 2 hrs to check it out. It was nice and toasty, but not so hot that I couldn't touch it. It wouldn't have burned it in any way. The top was nice and cool to the touch.

I also ordered the water bottle - it's larger that it is pictured and very nicely made. For $5, I'm glad I got it.

I'm very excited to try this out with my chicks...but my order isn't due to hatch for another 2 months! I'm planning on setting it up as someone, somewhere suggested with the back very low and the front a little higher until the chicks are older/larger so to help them self-adjust.

I will report back once I get my chicks under it!
I just ordered one today and I plan on using it in an outdoor brooder.Can anyone please tell me if they have also used it for this type of application and what is the lowest ambient temperature it can be used in ?
I just ordered one today and I plan on using it in an outdoor brooder.Can anyone please tell me if they have also used it for this type of application and what is the lowest ambient temperature it can be used in ?

I don't know the lowest temp it can be used in, but I have one in an unheated barn. It got down in the 30's the other night and the chicks did great. The chicks were only 4 or 5 days old.
Thank you for the quick feedback ! I was wondering what kind of material to use in the broader I'm leaning towards play sand and PDZ. What do you think?
I just ordered one today and I plan on using it in an outdoor brooder.Can anyone please tell me if they have also used it for this type of application and what is the lowest ambient temperature it can be used in ?

I used it in the low 30s

Thank you for the quick feedback ! I was wondering what kind of material to use in the broader I'm leaning towards play sand and PDZ. What do you think?

I just use sawdust/ pine shavings
Thank you for the quick feedback ! I was wondering what kind of material to use in the broader I'm leaning towards play sand and PDZ. What do you think?

This is just take it as my PERSONAL opinion.

With tiny littles, I wouldn't use either of these items. It takes awhile for them to figure out what is food and what isn't. Sand can actually cause physical damage in the lining of the gizzard. Who knows what sweet PDZ can do.

I'd start them out with just plain paper towel for bedding until they get their "land legs" really well and until they know where the food is and what it is. Then I add in pine shavings after that.

If I have older chickens somewhere and the babies are being brooded away from them, when it's time to add the pine shavings I also put a handful of litter from the adult area down when I add the pine shavings...and I dig out a plug of dirt with grass on it to put in too.

That way they get exposed to what will be in their environment when they go outside and get a chance to begin building immunities by exposure early.

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