Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

I warmed mine up a few days ahead of time to make sure it worked. I think it takes about an hour to get to stabilize at full strength.

Then I turned it on a couple of hours before I picked up the chicks.

Don't forget the Press And Seal wrap on top. It works really well!
How far in advance of chicks did people start warming the plate? I'm assuming it onlly needs 10 minutes or so to warm up, or longer? I thought if I plugged it in when i see the first pip...

I generally get everything ready the night before or the morning of expected chicks. That includes the plate or pet heating pad. I have 3 plates (1 Brinsea and 2 Premier), and my pet heating pad collection is growing.
I warmed mine up a few days ahead of time to make sure it worked. I think it takes about an hour to get to stabilize at full strength.

Then I turned it on a couple of hours before I picked up the chicks.

Don't forget the Press And Seal wrap on top. It works really well!
Oh, I'm glad you reminded me. I put it on the grocery list last week and then promptly forgot! Thanks!
I cannot believe how quiet the chicks are under the plate! I moved it up a bit as it feels pretty hot to me to the touch, and I didn't want any of them burning themselves. All seem fine. I took out the plate to make sure they all would move around normally, and they come to my tap to the water and food. So cute! BTW, the PRESS and SEAL is amazing stuff!!!
Do you need some sort of dimmer or temperature controller to go with it? Or is it sort of a set it and forget it type of thing?
You can use a lamp dimmer, but at first you won't need it, because you can use the heat plate at full strength and they love it.
I couldn't touch the underside when on, but their down protects them, they loved it.

(this is the dimmer that I have, but didn't need for at least a week or so, because you can raise the height)

What a wonderful invention, silent chicks all night, happy during the day.
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I used a lamp dimmer with mine right from the start. I felt that if it was too hot for me to touch comfortably, it was too hot for them to push up against.

I never used it at full heat, but mine were brooded indoors. May have been different if I had them outside in colder weather.

The manufacturer of the heat plates sells a dimmer-type control to go with them but they are outside the US and last I checked, Premier did not stock them. And I don't believe the company ships to individual US addresses. I already had a dimmer similar to the one pictured above.
I bought my heat plate last year and have never needed to use a dimmer. I have brooded a bunch of chicks and they all loved it. Never had a burned baby. I did lower the back legs and raise the front legs for a while and then just watched as they grew and it needed be raised. I will be buying a cover to use in the future. The press and seal stuff works well but it leaves a sticky film on the top that I don't like.
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