Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

I didn't mention in my original response that my brooder is outside, in my carport. I live here in AR) I went out this morning to open my coops, and check on the new peeps, they were all running around eating and playing...and having a great ole time! I don't remember my batch last year being this active at 3 days old.
I will swear by this heat plate for many years to come. Anybody out there, get one from premier, it is awesome and the price is great! And don't forget the nipple drinker, I lost a white Wyandotte last year due to getting wet in the water. Never again! Even the ducklings are not making a mess, and they LOVE to play in the all my chicks and ducklings are happy healthy and DRY!
I have a heatplate which I have used and I'm not happy with it as the chicks are putting their heads up against it and they can't settle no matter what leg setting I put it on,and one chick has a burnt top of nose from constantly seeking warmth which is there but I'm not lowering it anymore for the risk of more burning,needless to say I've taken it out and put the heatlamp on but my other half doesn't want me to leave the heat lamp over the metal of the brooder over night so I have to put the heat plate over night for them,it really worries me,I have chicks that range in sizes so placing it higher up for the bigger chicks will mean the silkies will struggle to get any heat from it
I have a heatplate which I have used and I'm not happy with it as the chicks are putting their heads up against it and they can't settle no matter what leg setting I put it on,and one chick has a burnt top of nose from constantly seeking warmth which is there but I'm not lowering it anymore for the risk of more burning,needless to say I've taken it out and put the heatlamp on but my other half doesn't want me to leave the heat lamp over the metal of the brooder over night so I have to put the heat plate over night for them,it really worries me,I have chicks that range in sizes so placing it higher up for the bigger chicks will mean the silkies will struggle to get any heat from it
What kind of heat plate?
Can you tilt it so one side is higher than the other?
I've never heard of chicks actually getting burned...hear of people couldn't keep their hands on it tho.

ETA:Maybe wrap a towel around it so the under surface is somewhat buffered?
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I really like using Mama Heating Pad - it's so effective and safe. The chicks stand on it, snuggle deep into it, and even if they come into direct contact there is no risk.

I've never heard of chicks being burned with the heat plate, though. Maybe you have a unit that is overheating?
My chicks went under it at a pretty low hieght;as the directions stated. I have 12 chicks and two ducks under it. No problems at all. Not sure why yours isn't working. It has been three weeks. I don't think they are hot enough to burn. What brand is it? One more week and I move them to the coop. I actually believe they developed faster and stronger with the plate heat source. Not like before with the bulb.
It's a comfort chicks heating plate from Holland
It looks like the same one that Premiere sells......folks have commented on that is seems too hot to touch.
A rheostat is available to control the amount of heat but I don't think Premiere offers it.....are you in the US?
I wonder if a dimmer extension cord would work?

Sorry I can't offer you a viable I have no direct experience and can't remember if anyone found a solution to the 'too hot' issue.

ETA: I did a thread search on 'dimmer' and found that someone did use a lamp dimmer because of excessive the link:
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I've been using a Premier heating plate through 2 sets of chicks now.
Yes, at full strength, it is too hot for me to keep my hand on the under plate for more than a few seconds.

However, the chicks don't seem to mind at all. The first week I left it at full strength, because at that temp, they did what others' are doing with these plates: slept quietly there all night, ran in and out during the day, stood under it with heads peeking out, etc.

I did use a dimmer switch on a cord to help reduce the heat over the next few weeks (combined with raising the height).

I love this product and so do my chicks. Very frustrating that this did not work for you, kari04, but I'm just not sure why.

PS. I also use a home made Mama Heating pad (in my case with a reptile heating pad that I had on hand), for the older chicks when the new ones came. Both have been very successful.

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