Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

I have a large Premeir (says Comfort on top) plate and raised 25 chicks with it last year and and have 25 again this year. They are in the garage where night time temps get down to low 50s. I always keep the plate higher at one end (at a height where the largest chicks don't quite touch it when standing) and low at the other (at a height that doesn't quite touch the chicks when they are sitting). They seem to do fine with those heights. The plate is too hot for me to keep my hand on it, but doesn't burn me at all with a quick touch, and I don't use a dimmer. If you do this and the plate is still burning chicks, I would contact the company.
These Mama Heating pads that Blooie has described seem to work really well, too, and are cheaper, I'm sure.
I tried it again and they just can't settle under it at all,I've tried it on all heights,they all just seem to keep nudging it constantly with their heads and coming out as I think it burns them and shocks them,it's so frustrating because I need to use this over night as I don't want to cause an argument about leaving the heat lamp on over night
Remember that they don't just sit under a broody, either. In fact, healthy chicks should spend more time running around, scratching and exploring than they do sitting under Mama Hen. I think we get so used to them having their entire brooder heated to the "perfect" temperatures - hot under the light, almost as hot away from it - that we forget how these little critters were designed. So relax - if the get a bit of a chill they know where the warm spot is - they'll likely dash under for a quick warmup and with those tiny bodies covered with fluff it doesn't take long. Not staying under there is normal.

Please check out the thread Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder and notice that my chicks don't hover under there either, even in 20 degree temperatures. If you are still uncomfortable using your heat plate, you can pick up the smaller model of the heating pad I use for around $20.00. But I'm not sending you to my thread to try to convince you to use this system - just to see how little time they actually stay under the hot spot.

I apologize if I'm misimterpreting your concerns.
They are happy and settled with the heat lamp,running around, eating and drinking,but I have two that are not yet a day old and require heat and are sleeping, while the others that are running around not requiring that much heat and one that is 3 days old as it hatched early so it a case of trying t keep them all happy too
I can't find any of these for sale. Anyone know who is still selling them?
Good Luck....this time of year they are probably all on backorder, I noticed yesterday that Premieres large size is on backorder.

You could go with a DIY version of a 'heat plate' uses a human heating pad:
My version....go to the end for most up to date version...
Or Blooies version....
Good Luck....this time of year they are probably all on backorder, I noticed yesterday that Premieres large size is on backorder.

You could go with a DIY version of a 'heat plate' uses a human heating pad:
My version....go to the end for most up to date version...
Or Blooies version....

I can't even find them listed anywhere, even on backorder.
IMO, the heating pad is not only a cost saver, but more closely mimics the heat provided by Mama hen.  Just be sure you buy the right model.  Any thing less will put your chicks in jeopardy.

I have a small animal heating pad but though it helps, not warm enough. I was on a hunt for heating pads for myself a couple years back and wasn't impressed. As a nurse, I have had patients who blistered with them, so I'm not sold on their safety--- these were fully oriented patients. But, this light is an obvious fire hazard as I have already melted the side of a tote 3 times this year. So if I can find and purchase at least it will be coming. ;)

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