Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

just to update: I make sure on the large plate that the press and seal wrap covers the tops of the legs. I had issues with sand and such getting in where the leg slides. It's perfectly cleanable, but would rather not have to :)

You use sand with the chicks instead of wood chips? Is it PDZ or just contractor sand? Do they try to eat it?
Quote: Not chrissyr but I use sand in brooder.

Quickrete brand Fine Sand, washed and kiln dried. ~$4/50# bag.
Use 4-5 parts sand and 1 part PDZ. They probably eat some, never been a problem.
I do put the food and water on a large tote cover over the sand for the first week until they learn to use the feeder.
Not chrissyr but I use sand in brooder.

Quickrete brand Fine Sand, washed and kiln dried. ~$4/50# bag.
Use 4-5 parts sand and 1 part PDZ. They probably eat some, never been a problem.
I do put the food and water on a large tote cover over the sand for the first week until they learn to use the feeder.

Wow this would make it so much easier! Thanks!
I like does take time to sift the poops out, but at least then they're gone and the PDZ reduces odor, important to me when they're in the house...and especially as they get bigger.

Exactly. They are now in a large dog kennel with solid bottom, but wire sides and top. We had loose shavings on the floor because we didn't think it through. Of course, they kick it all out and had fun doing it... not so much fun for me. We made large inserts that zip tie to the bar to make it more solid all the way around for the lowest 8 inches. This works well. Still, put a towel down before adding woodchips. It's a quick clean but woodchips in the wash, no thanks. I will have to think this one thru, but like the possibility for the totes.
You use sand with the chicks instead of wood chips? Is it PDZ or just contractor sand? Do they try to eat it?
they will eat some but it's just grit. The food tastes better so never had issues with them overdoing the sand. I use play sand and sift.

Not chrissyr but I use sand in brooder.

Quickrete brand Fine Sand, washed and kiln dried. ~$4/50# bag.
Use 4-5 parts sand and 1 part PDZ. They probably eat some, never been a problem.
I do put the food and water on a large tote cover over the sand for the first week until they learn to use the feeder.
i keep forgetting about PDZ. I hear if they eat that it's ok too.
they will eat some but it's just grit. The food tastes better so never had issues with them overdoing the sand. I use play sand and sift.
i keep forgetting about PDZ. I hear if they eat that it's ok too.

I read the same. If I have a decent hatch, I will plan on using the sand with pdz. I like the idea of putting a lid down with the food so that doesn't get full of the sand though.
Thank you! I bought the digital egg scale earlier in the season. Didn't even know about this. Hate paying shipping. I will see what else they have.

I ordered the smaller one that's available now. If I like it I'll get a larger one next year. Thank you for your help. I didn't get the top, sounds like most weren't concerned about them jumping on top. I Also Going To Pick Up A Dimmer Switch That Was Recommended.
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I just moved my 2 week old chicks out to the coop with the heat plate as only nighttime heat. They were fine last night when temps were at 40 in the coop. I turn on a 75 watt bulb in the day that keeps it a little warmer, but they seem fine in the 50-60 degree daytime weather. I broke down and got the dimmer switch for the heat plate (it does seem hot at full strength), even though I raised 25 last year without the dimmer using the heat plate. Here is a picture of the set-up. The box is braced to not fall down, just wanted to give them a little more warm covered space.

I'm a little nervous about the next 3 nights, which will be at or near freezing, but not TOO worried, as others have been successful with either a plate or mamma heating pad at much colder temps. The thing I love about these is nighttime darkness and complete rest and quiet. They are now next to my adult birds, so I really don't want an all-night light.
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