Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

I have the basic original model (the one I posted the link on) and also have the optional adjustable plug in so I can have it full heat or lower the temp

My house is 59 right now (outdoor temps are 19-45 right now) so chicks will be inside. Actually my coop is not yet built!

I have the two 4 week old Barnevelders in a puppy ex pen with a heating pad they can lie on if they choose and they do

I have a large plastic dog crate (500 varikennel) set up for the new chicks and I put the Lectro kennel upside down on bricks so about 2" of space underneath. I am getting newly hatched Legbars this weekend. Fingers crossed this works
my Lectro kennel is the biggest one. 21-22" long. I use it for litters of puppies normally :) I bought this thing in 1990/91 so it has lasted me very well
16.5 x 22.5? or maybe sizes have changed?

anyway...would be cool if you started thread when you start building yours ..and link it here so we can watch/kibbitz
no that is the size I have I was trying measure mine with the "help" of my almost 10 month old tape measure obsessed Rottweiler puppy LOL

I'll start a new thread when the Legbars arrive :)
I agree, I have used the heat plate for two years, and it ideal, and the price paid for itself the first year. I also have dog heat pad for elderly Rottweiler, the pad will not work. Mostly my chcks run back and forth. It seems you might be able to "make" something I have tried. Just buy the plate it will last for years and no worries I trie several "home ideas" mentioned here. that ended up being a waste of money. Each person and flock is different. I have had 40 chicks go through the plate in two years. Much better success. I never lost a chick, and they are much healthier. I lost chicks using other nethods. Heartbreak each time.
Also my chicks have been outside for two weeks, some days in the low 30's and 20's. They are in one of those cheap coops you buy from tractor supply. I use it as a brooder for two years now. The thermometer says they are toasty inside!! They are perfectly ffine
I also put chicks at three weeks in a cabinet with a run outside with the heater plate hooked up to a dial. Each week I lowered the temp a bit until they were fully feathered. This was a closer approximation of them being with a mother, as they could run out and scratch around, run back in the cabinet with the heat plate to warm up, run back out...

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