Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

The ecoglow and the premier plates are all I use in my quail hatching. they work excellent! I also bought a GQF brooder but bought the one without the heat source as it was pretty high wattage. Used an ecoglow (not sure the premier will fit the cord?) threaded through a back hole for the heat and it worked perfectly!
nothing other than the bottom of the plate. I'd have to look but I think it is some kind of plastic. The Premier 1 is metal. I use both and like both for different reasons.

I'm using the premier 50 for 20 heritage turkeys, and need some help.

This is my first time raising turkeys. While I don't currently have chickens (25 are shipping May 15th) I have brooded 3 batches in the past.

Here is a thread I started:

I also asked for help in emergencies/diseases, but I have not gotten any response.

I am hoping I can get a response from someone who has brooded turkeys with a heat plate.

Two turkeys were DOA on arrival, 1 was very weak and died in the first 24hrs. The hatchery did not put a heat pack in with them, or anything else, just the box. We did have cold temps (34-38) at night.

The rest seemed like they were doing well, running around, eating and drinking, making happy turkey sounds. The only time I would get loud chirping is when they would jump on top of the HP and not know how to get down.

I lost 1 more yesterday, he died sometime in the night!

I have 1 more that started getting wobbly and had a hard time walking. He is still eating if I set him in front of the food. I am doing that every hour. I really don't want to lose him.

I'm getting very discouraged

Any advise you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
I have never had turkeys but have been told they are really stupid as baby chicks and have to be shown everything- how to drink eat and where to go for warmth

Yes, you do have to keep showing them, over and over.
I've read raising them with a few chicken chicks can show them they way to survival...if chickens aren't carrying blackhead.

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