Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

Lectrokennel sells a regulator that is at the plug outlet you plug item in and regulate current via dial

I use a lectrokennel pad with this regulator I have had it about 30 years still works great

Could you give us a link to the regulator?
For what it's worth, my premier heat plate (I have a small) is 140 degrees Fahrenheit in the center and 99 around the edges. I haven't quite decided if I want to use a dimmer switch on it or not.
I bought the Premier heat plate this year because of the posts on this forum. I love the low wattage, the girls love it, I love the fact it's adjustable so I can move it up as my girls grow. I have one side a little lower than the other as one girl is still pretty small.
It was a little pricey but I think the extra cost was worth it.
I bought one of these in the large size for Cornish X last year and it worked great. I used it for the full sized birds for about a week when they molted HEAVILY right as we got our first subzero cold snap. Don't know if it was necessary but the birds that had lots of bare skin came through with barely frostbite on comb tips.

Really happy with this.
This is my 3rd year with mine. Have raised 5 sets of chicks. NEVER had a problem. I have never had it at it"s lowest leg setting either. I had ducks under it last year. Cannot understand the problem. It feels hot to me, but MY body temp. Is 98.6. chickens are much higher. Ducks even more so."I" would be concerned about a dimmer. Don' t want cold chicks. I did a test yesterday, stuck my hand under a broody Astralorp...She was HOT!!! I use the small up to 25 chicks, and adjust height to your birds size. My brooder is also within their 8x8x8 tall co-op. I have 16 coming 3/31/17. Not concerned a5 all.

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