is anything wrong with

well, I thought the food i ordered with the chicks was medicated but I will have to go back and check. I have been buying it at a feed store since and just assumed chick starter was medicated. I may be off base here. I will have to recheck. She is still fluffed up. when I rub her on the back of the head she closes her eyes-pain?? I currently have taken her from the rest of my chicks and brought her back inside to my brooder. Is this a bad thing? Will it stress her?She is chirping. Right now I am holding her in a dishtowel in my arms as I type. She also has diahrea(?) . Could she be dehydrated? She drank ALOT when I put her in the coop this afternoon. Please give any advice! I appreciate all of it.
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the medicated starter is for cocci...if they were vaccinated for cocci then yes you would not give them the med starter...if they were vaccinated for something other than cocci then you need the med starter.
If the starter is not medicated then cocci might be what is wrong and you will need to treat for that (if it is the problem). It is very common.
I just read that cocci is a bloody diahrhea. Mine has a real watery poo with the center being a thin white and greenish color. And I had them vaccinated for Marek's.
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If vaccinated ONLY for Marek's than treat for Cocci. You should be able to look at your bag of feed to see if its medicated. If not then treat birds with Amprol or Sulmet. These should be avaliable at your feed/farm store. I would treat the entire flock.
I would still treat her BUT....
I just wanted to let you know i have a similiar experience during our firts cold spell with my older RIR. She was doing the same thing, not really wanting to free range or come out of the coop much. I put a heat lamp out for 2-3 days and she sat under it. She stopped doing it a few days later and I took out the lamp. No probs since. Although I had just coincidentally wormed her a few days earlier with Ivomec for mites I spotted on another bird in an adjacent coop. I though maybe she was a bit under the weather from the meds.

Good luck with your bird.
bamagirl - since you have already lost a little roo, I would definitely try to figure out what is going on. Separating her was a good idea, altho may stress her more. Is anyone else showing symptoms? If so, give her a friend. If not, give her a stuffed animal or something to make her feel like she has company.

Sometimes when chickens get a sudden chill, it stresses them and can bring on illness. I don't know enough about their environment to advise completely, but here are some thoughts. Are these 4 week old chicks still under a heat lamp? If not, they should be. They are not able to maintain their own body heat until at least 6-8 weeks old. At 4 weeks, they need a steady temp of about 80F. I would get her warmed up (as well as the others) and see if she shows improvement. Keep an eye on stools and other symptoms.

Edited after reviewing the post in emergencies. I would put her back with the group of chicks and immediately treat them all for cocci. Amprol (Corid) or Sulmet are good choices. And make sure to get their temps up.
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UPDATE!! the only med I could find around this town was antibiotic. I gave it to her and all of my other chicks too. She seems to be doing so much better! thanks for all the help and advice! Should I wait til they are off the antibiotic to worm?
How old are they?...and someone correct me if I'm wrong but an antibotic will not cure cocci....worming them to just worm them I'm not sure on that either at an early age with something else going on with them like cocci...

Hope someone chimes in .......

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