is anything wrong with

That's correct Tuff. Antibiotics will not get rid of cocci - only a coccidiostat will. So it sounds like Bama's chicks didn't have cocci and perhaps had a bacterial infection of some sort going on, as that is the only thing antibiotics will cure.

Thanks for the update bama. I'm glad to hear they're doing better.

are you sure it was an antibiotic (can you look on the package and tell us what the active ingredient is)?
Terramyacin- antibiotic powder is what I gave in their water. They are 6 weeks tomorrow. I only had one chick that was sick and she seems to be feeling much better. Should I keep searching to find Nilverm or Amprol?
I asked because I have seen posts where the socalled AB was actually for cocci...
Glad they seem to be doing better just keep a good eye on them and at the first sign of more problems then consider cocci.

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