Is it just me? Have we lost a lot of members? Members posting differently?

I'll search to find answers, but there's nothing like dialog.

I agree. I don't care if the question has already been asked a thousand times,...if I'm not sure about something /anything,..I always ask the question. And can be quite annoying if I don't get an answer...:lol:
I've read almost everything in the illness section. Some things many times. LOL

I like dialog too. Makes you feel like someone cares or is even listening. I grew up with my nose in Encyclopedias and Science books, but OMG I love this site and real eople doing the same things, cept different. LOL
I always ask the question. And can be quite annoying if I don't get an answer...

I'm not going to say it, I'm not going to say it, I'm not going to say it, . . .
Well, in that case, I will respond in a collegial way and even though I am sure that what you say is true, on occasion, I still believe that a great many people on this site are very anxious to impart information to others because they like to show how they did it. When I first started raising chickens (only one year ago) I knew absolutely nothing and every bit of info came from the people on the site. I even had several persons contact me directly to show me the finer points of building a coop and run. The one problem that I did find is that there is almost too much info and a lot of it will never be applicable. I find that true in the disease and illness section. If you read all of it you will be up nights just thinking of the problems your hens will get when, in truth, if you keep a single flock without interaction with outside birds, you will rarely have problems. That is not true of the predator section where I took every disaster to heart and built my set up to be as predator proof as possible.

Yes, i have encountered this problem MANY times. I set out with a question in mind, take a deep breath and DIVE into the forums. And 2 hours later I am utterly lost to a maze of sidequests that started with, "They can DO that?" and "Wait, you mean this is REAL?" and unless it's something urgent, end up completely forgetting what I started out needing to know.
I'm not going to say it, I'm not going to say it, I'm not going to say it, . . .

Who knew Bunnylady had any will power!! That is not what I heard.

Now, for all of you newbies, this is what is called thread stealing or hi-jacking and many of us have become experts.
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It's not hijacking if some ideas flow to help.

I can't even remember which members I've looked for right now, but it seems like a lot of new people, who give up after from 1 - 12 post, never to be heard from again and several of us die hards that are here all the time.

I think the one frustrating thing about helping someone out is when they get incorrect info from someone you know you tried to help in the past and even when someone who's known here as informatve tries to step in, they are kicked to the curb. I've seen that so much the past year. I mean I've seen some of the top breeders try and help and get treated like they know nothing. Next thing you know, same newbie is asking why something is happening, steming from their original question and they take advise from the exact same group they did the first time, who later are posting "Oh I'm so sorry it didn't woork out" "So sorry your bird died" or just no response at all.
I've noticed it too! It used to be hopping but not so much anymore.

One thing is, warmer weather. People will get out more, less computer time. happens alot to folks that got the cabin fever or summertime when it gets a bit slow.

Others are having a hard time navigating the new site.

As for me, I don't post too much. Not friendly user like the old BYC but understand it was the demands and workload by Nifty that BYC needed the changes or it would probably collapse from the sheer weight of folks sharing chicken!
I agree. I don't care if the question has already been asked a thousand times,...if I'm not sure about something /anything,..I always ask the question. And can be quite annoying if I don't get an answer...

And that is not the only time that this occurs.

Misinformation is worse than no information at all. It is frustrating to see misinformation handed out as if it were gospel. A problem that I have noticed recently is that if a question is posted and the answer is not what the OP wants to hear, ATTITUDE flares. I guess the bottom line is don't ask a question unless you want an honest answer.
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Who knew Bunnylady had any will power!! That is not what I heard.

Now, for all of you newbies, this is what is called thread stealing or hi-jacking and many of us have become experts.

This kind of thing has been brought up before, and this is a perfect example. There seems to be clique mentality here, and if you aren't part of that clique, then you are left out of the conversation. Unless you are in High School, and want to talk about something unfair that was said/done to you by a teacher/classmate/parent. It's all turned into a yawnfest. Look in the mirror if ya'll want to know why the site has slowed down.
Who knew Bunnylady had any will power!! That is not what I heard.

Now, for all of you newbies, this is what is called thread stealing or hi-jacking and many of us have become experts.

That's the voice of experience right there, folks!

Actually, I have lots of willpower - I acquired it the hard way. I have been a forum dweller for several years now, By the time I came to this site, I had had my teeth kicked down my throat several times, so I learned to be absolutely sure of my facts before I said anything. Like wolftracks, I have seen people whose opinions I have come to respect being dismissed by someone that may or may not know what they are talking about. I have also seen people that hadn't a clue, get all offended when someone said something that wasn't 100% supportive of whatever they had in mind. I have to say, the mods on this site do a very good job of keeping us from each others' throats!

People come and go on forums - it's just a fact of life on the internet. There are many names that I used to see all the time, that don't post any more, and that isn't just on this site. Some of it may have to do with the site itself, but I suspect a lot of it is related to that nasty thing called "real life." I have adapted to the changes on this site, and I have actually learned to like some of them!

And BTW, that wasn't a hijacking attempt. It was just an attempt to bug Red, just like Capvin's response was an attempt to bug me - all in fun!
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