Is it just me? Have we lost a lot of members? Members posting differently?

Is everyone on dial-up, or what?

I'm on an old Pentium 4 3.2GHz with 4GB of mem. WinXPSP3. 1.5Mb DSL. Use both IE8 and Chrome. I never have turned off the ads. I just haven't experienced a slow down (IE8 will finish page load about a second behind Chrome - but never over 3 sec.). Can't speak to any new mobile machinery (waiting for flexible OLED screens!).

All I can say about posting levels is that the previous transition was much more `devolving'/ablating/winnowing...

Please address page loading speed problems in the bug reports/ask BYC (keep it on the developer's front burner) - I expect it has a lot to do with the dynamic servicing of ads but, then again, I'm not seeing it on this 2004 hardware/(variously `aged' software)
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I can't change anything at work. I'm allowed to be on here while I'm at work, in fact my manager keeps asking me how's the forum going? The computer gets stuck all of the time on here while I'm at work. Once I had to leave the screen that was uploading for over an hour and I came back to it and it's still uploading and I'm stuck. So then I must click the red X on top and then click end now like 6 or 7 times. Then I reboot my computer and then I come back on. Never had that issue before. Just saying.
sherylreno wrote: I can't change anything at work. I'm allowed to be on here while I'm at work, in fact my manager keeps asking me how's the forum going? The computer gets stuck all of the time on here while I'm at work. Once I had to leave the screen that was uploading for over an hour and I came back to it and it's still uploading and I'm stuck. So then I must click the red X on top and then click end now like 6 or 7 times. Then I reboot my computer and then I come back on. Never had that issue before. Just saying.

Well, at least your boss doesn't have a short between the earphones :) .

Don't know what sort of software you're viewing the web through from work (security in particular). You could try loading an even busier Huddler hosted site and see if you run into the same problems: . If so, then something on the Huddler end is not being digested well by the software at your place of employment. Only other thing to suggest is making sure you have all the `gee-gaws' unchecked in your proile (turn off avatars, etc - don't think that is it but...).
One really annoying thing is that it doesn't let me reply while the pictures on a page are still loading, it just jumps me back to the top of the page when I click "submit". But apart from that, BYC is working well, not much slower than it was before. That's my internet's fault. :lol:
The new format is strange and not easily understood. I had just mastered the old system when they changed to this one. It is a bit of a chore to post here.

Also, now there seems to be a lack of civil discourse here. People do not want to hear other peoples' opinions. They get offended if someone does not agree with them. Rather than hear other folk's ideas, they just want to have their opinions parroted back to them.

Well, raising chickens in Ontario is a far cry from the way they are raised in Mexico. Each monkey to their own peanut.

They have improved how the site loads in IE8, when the initial changeover happened it took FOREVER to load pages....

I will agree, I almost NEVER post anyplace except my state thread..... the pages are just too busy (but that might just be my settings).
I was on more before the change. It ran sooo slow at first, that I quit logging on daily. It seems to be loading faster now, but I am putting in a garden, and have lots of new babies (chicks and ducks in brooders, and 4 first time momma hens) to take care of, that I don't have much computer time now.
The new format is strange and not easily understood. I had just mastered the old system when they changed to this one. It is a bit of a chore to post here.

Also, now there seems to be a lack of civil discourse here. People do not want to hear other peoples' opinions. They get offended if someone does not agree with them. Rather than hear other folk's ideas, they just want to have their opinions parroted back to them.

Well, raising chickens in Ontario is a far cry from the way they are raised in Mexico. Each monkey to their own peanut.



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