is it just me?


9 Years
May 5, 2010
Portland, Oregon
Is it just me or does it make you mad when you see little chicks that are dyed every color of the rainbow. I hate seeing it. I'm glad it's illegal in some states, it should be in all states. People buy them because they're so cute but they've done absolutely no research about how to care for chickens. and then when that chick grows up they will not want it anymore. it's so irresponsible. I know there are much worse things in the world but I had to say it!
No, coloring chicks doesn't bother me at all. It does bother me that legislators would waste taxpayer money dealing with an issue like this though.

Of course, I don't condone buying chicks on a whim, or abusing any animals, but I think the government should stay out of it.
I personally think that chicks shouldn't be unnaturally colored. AND, it does bother me that
some people buy chicks for Easter and have no idea how to take care of them. It makes
me sad that the chicks have to suffer because of it. But on the other hand, if you are prepared
to take care of them then I think it's fine to get chicks for Easter.
i agree,parents buy chicks as a easter gift for their kids.and the poor chicks suffer.BECAUSE THEY ARE SO CUTE.well buy your kids a stuff toy for goodness sakes.makes me so mad.
Dyed chicks aren't illegal in my state so they sell them every Easter for $3. I try to buy them so they can at least have a loving home with someone like me who is willing to do the research and care for them and love them. I don't think it's fair to the chicks to be dyed because it makes them seem more like a toy and many go to uncaring homes and wind up dead at the hands of someone who didn't really care. I bought my dyed chick to give it a loving home and he's very loved and taken care of. I've had chickens before so I already knew some of what I was getting into. I just don't know how to sex a chicken or other things like that but basic care I had an understanding for. I can't wait for mine to grow up and I plan on letting my chicks, Biddy and Bella, live with me until the end of their natural lives.
I can't believe how chickens are treated in this Country. there only viewed as food and there are very few laws that protect them. its so sad. people think that chickens are dumb and have no personality. chickens have bigger personalities than some people I know. its sad to think that a broiler chicken will have a better life than a battery hen because at least they will soon be put out of their misery instead of being crammed in a cage and ignored for 2 years to then be slautered. My husband said he saw a truck hauling chickens on the freeway and the cages were jammed packed full of hens without any cover to protect them from the rain. how can this be? Why do we allow chickens to be treated this way?! If that were a dog or a cat that would be animal abuse. People think that they are an animal not worthy of being treated with any kind of respect.

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