Is it okay to raise just 1 turkey on its own??


8 Years
Aug 15, 2011
My Own Realm!!!
at the pet shop they had turkeys about 1 week old. we thought of having one and then eat it for christmas. but would it be okay on its own? not get lonely or anything?
thats good.
You may have to wait till next Christmas or Thanksgiving to eat it. It won't be nearly large enough to eat in only 3 months.

Do you know what breed they are? Some will get much bigger than others!
true but true.

Turks usually "fat" out at 24-26 weeks.That means their fat glans will be active then,making a more tender delicious bird.
The poult might be less stressed if you could find a friend that would like a fresh turkey next year too.
Raise the together and split the cost of raising them.
If not maybe you could sell one later to get some $ back on the whole deal.
A stressed bird will have tough meat.
If you do just get on be prepared to spend time with it and at all cost be prepared to want more by time to butcher the turkey.

Y'all just might find yourselves wanting more turkeys.
I know as that's what happen to me. I'll just get a few eggs hatch some out and have holiday dinners for a year.
Ha now I'm breeding them.
I will always have turkeys on my place now.
Best wish in this adventure.
we just have one ... but a lot of other types of birds. Our turkey is probably the friendliest of all. I agree, though, it won't be big enough to eat in 3 months ... it will be big enough to eat but not as big as you probably want it to be.

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