Is it true a frostbitten comb makes a rooster sterile?


11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
Heard this one today. My easter egger had about half of his very large rose comb frostbitten, depite vaseline and lights (it got to -17 here). Today a fellwo chicken raiser told me that if a comb gets frozen, the rooster goes sterile. I can't see how this would be true- he is mating, so still has some sex hormones going on.... as far as I can tell, the comb is not resonsible for sex hormone regulation... has anyone heard this rumor?
Not necessarily. Many do, but I believe it have more to do with infection and fever that comes with it. High fever can do that. At least that's what I beleive is true. My reason is the OEG and Modern game birds get their combs dubbed and they are still fertile.
I read about this a few days ago in a book on chickens it does say untill the comb is healed the rooster is sterile it went for freez or even getting it hurt(fight Ect..). As to be true
but i do know that being sterile and haveing a low drive are two diff things.
The comb has nothing to do with the rooster's fertility. His testes are inside his chest. They are what produces the sex hormones.
Actually, I've heard the same thing, and if I'm not totally mistaken, it was on BYC. When a rooster is severly frostbitten, which is incredibly painful (I think people underestimate just how painful frostbite is...), he can become docile, due to having gone through the pain, and may also become infertile. I'll try to find where I've read that, but it was from someone with a lot of chicken experience.
Actually according to Ron Kean, Extension Poultry Specialist @ The University of Wisconsin-Madison: If a rooster does have frostbite, he will be infertile for a couple of weeks, until he gets over the damage.
Yep, it's true. Frostbite is very painful and makes the roo docile and infertile. Avoiding frostbite is essential to a healthy flock.

While the roo will become fertile again when healed, the lost frozen combs or waddles won't regenerate. It is a serious injury and should be avoided with measures that work.

Wateres for use that aren't poultry founts allow the bird to get their waddles in the water and then exposed to the freezing cold, causing frostbite.

Please take measures to avoid any discomfort for these gentle fowl.


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