Is my Bantam Silkie a rooster or hen?


Feb 6, 2016
I have had this Silkie since October (maybe the middle of the month, unsure of exact date as I got a lot of new chicks that month!) This is my first silkie I have ever had & I am having trouble figuring out its breed! Little guy is very sweet, likes to be held & is very small compared to all my other chickens (obviously because it is a bantam I'm guessing). I had 3 others, unfortunately they didn't survive so I can't really compare little guy to other silkies.
For some reason it won't let me upload any photos of little guy but he is pictured in my main photo.
There are some people who are able to sex Silkies really well, but hard to come by. I would say its to early to obvioulsy see a gender and you totally have a silkie or silkie mix.
I was hoping since little guy is almost 5 months it would be easier to sex him. I have done some research on them but can't find much on just the silkie breed. Before little guy got use to me picking it up, it would bite me & I thought for the longest time it was a rooster but little guy hasn't been aggressive with me or others as it's gotten older. Thanks for your feedback!
The crest seems rather small for a pullet, so I am leaning towards cockerel, but if you repost pictures in a couple months or get better pictures I might be able to tell for sure.
Like I said, it won't let me post any pictures it says I'm not "authorized". Won't even let me change my profile picture. I had good pictures to post of it. /:
you just need more posts and then you can post my guess is cockerel because of the small crest but a better pic would better help us determine the sex of your silkie.

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