Is my "cockerel" actually a pullet in disguise?

Thank you, Mary! I wasn't planning on hatching from Barracuda anyway, so no dreams are crushed here.

I know I'm silly for continuing to harp on this issue, but I'm STILL stumped. I found these new feathers coming in around his saddle area, and they're obviously pullet-ish:

He's 3 weeks shy of 6 months, and he hasn't gone after the girls once. Also, his body shape is noticeably slender and delicate compared to the other roo, he "chats" with me when I talk close to his face (none of the 10 roos I've had ever did this, it's only been the girls), still no boy plumage, and he's covered in way too many spangles for a MF cockerel. I guess what I'm trying to get at is, as far-fetched as this may sound, what are the chances I've got one of those females whose "organs" got damaged somewhere along the way and is showing male characteristics as a result? That's the idea I've really meant to convey all along.
I know I'm probably being ridiculous, but even other chicken people in my family are quite confused because he's a carrier of both typically pullet and typically cockerel traits.

Makes me wonder if he's a chimera. Definitely makes me wonder if he's got some endocrine issue going on.
So sorry for the late response; this thread seems to have gotten buried.
Anyway, thank you both for sharing your opinions! I looked up the definition of chimera (since I'd never heard the term before), and Barracuda really seems to fit the bill. I've heard "him" crow and make soft, pullet-ish cooing sounds in the same breath.
"He" even ventured a timid tidbitting call the other day, but the moment the real cockerels started up as well, "he" ran over to see what they had for "him."
I know so many said I had a slow-developing cockerel on my hands, but at nearly 6 months, Barracuda ought to be showing pointed hackle/saddle feathers. Also, he should have gone after the girls by now rather than treating them like one of him! Might I mention that even at the worst age possible for a cockerel, he's extremely sweet?

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Barracuda is adorable. Give him time. I too had a late bloomer. At nearly 7 months he finally started crowing and took an interest in mating. He's my only cockerel so he didn't have more masculine cockerels to contend with as your Barracuda does. I even had hens tidbitting to him and when he would mimic and they'd respond appropriately, he'd run away. He's now incredibly sweet to all my hens and even enjoys getting petted and held by people. He will not only nestled down on my lap but my childrens' as well.

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