Is my Speckled Sussex actually an Americauna?


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2015
I got what I thought were four Speckled Sussex chicks from a breeder. They all looked the same when I picked them up, but now that they are growing their feathers I noticed that this chick just isn't like the others - it has no white on the tips and it's legs have a sickly green tinge to them. Thoughts?

Sorry for the bad quality on the pictures, I used my ancient camera phone. What will this chick look like when fully grown? Or am I crazy and it really is a SS?

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Looks like an Easter egger to me, I believe true americaunas have green legs, this ones kinda look yellow like my EEs. Speckled Sussex have little white spots over an almost tan brown color. Adorable either way!
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Well, I'm actually kind of e
that it's not a SS. I like a lot of variety and was planning on getting an EE/Americauna ne
t year.
I know the other three are SS, they have the tell-tale white "rows" on their wings. This chick's legs are more green in person, but certainly still have a yellow undertone.
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