Is plastic fencing net good to use for a run?


11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
Northern NY
I'm going to build a tractor coop this week and was wanting a run that was light weight so it is easy to move. I seen some plastic gardening fence on the lowes website that was fairly cheap for the size. Would that type of fencing be good to use if I'm going to be putting the chickens inside a coop at night? I usually went with the metal wired fencing but seen that the plastic was cheaper for more in a roll. If I went with the plastic I could make a lot bigger run for them.

Here is what I was looking at. The Tenax 4ft x 50ft multi purpose net.|0&facetInfo=

Also this Tenax 3ft x 25ft green plastic poultry fence.|0&Ntt=poultry+fence&facetInfo=

Also is pvc better to use than wood for the run frame?
The plastic netting will not be---in any way---predator proof. You need to use hardware cloth to keep predators out. Even household cats can get through chicken wire. At best, the plastic netting will slow a hawk down---a raccoon or rat won't even blink.
X'2 on the safety issues............also does not last long.gets brittle and breaks..............
The best you can buy will save you money and heart break>....

And if what you want is not in the budget right can always add on later.
Thats how we do things at out house.
Good Luck and have fun.................
Thanks for the information. I'll use the small mesh metal wire for the outside. The way my chickens are acting I'm going to have to split my coop and run due to eye pecking. I'll use some plastic netting in the middle to separate the chickens. I got some plastic netting already and whatever I have left I'll use if our peahens hatch any babies to cover the brooder top and for the temporary day pen that has metal wire on the sides but none on the top.

The cats and rats don't usually bother the larger chickens around here but this time I do have some small ones. Usually the cats sit by the chicken feed waiting for the rats to eat the feed. Our main predators are foxes at night and skunks eating eggs. For a few years we only had to have a few roosts with a cover over them for the rain and never had any problems till last year. A group of foxes jumped the smaller fence that was 3 1/2' high since the other sides were 8' chain link. They got a lot of my chickens and almost a full grown turkey that they managed to take over the fence. We took some old pallets, wire, and made a hole in the garage so we built the coop inside it. That worked good except for the smell and collecting eggs since it wasn't high. During the winter and cooler months they are moved into the barn.

I know it is more expensive but is electric chicken wire good for a run to keep non flying predators out?
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I have a tractor

I love it, it is not predator proof except it does keep out the hawks! It cost me about 50 bucks to make

It is made of plastic netting and two by fours, and irrigation tubing.
I put them in it the morning, and they go back in the coop/run in the afternoon or evening. we have a big yard so I drag it around to different parts of the grass.
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I use plastic netting as well.

I purchased rolls of deer netting and cut it in half (so I got twice as much).

My chickens free range over about an acre, so the netting is ONLY to keep them within limits.

Also, at night the chickens are enclosed inside the predator-proof coop.

When I let them out in the morning, I usually walk around the fence line to see if there are any signs of a predator trying to get in.

We did have a squirrel caught inside the yard once. The chickens chased it around and cornered it. The squirrel was so frightened it leaped into the air and climbed up the netting and hopped over to safety.

(It was funny to watch.)

Thanks for the ideas. I love the look of your run smeek1. That is about like what I'd like to do. Just need something to mainly keep them in an area during the day and put them in a predator proof coop at night.
That looks neat. How the heck do you get them in there? I'm picturing putting one chicken under and then when you go to put the next one, the first one runs out.
Or is there a door on that solid end?
the solid end is is a piece of pegboard that I cut to be the same size as the opening. it just sort of sits in there, and I have about 4 inches of netting that hangs over. there is a very small bungy cord that attaches it to the irrigation tubing. It is easy to pull up to the door of the coop, and the chickens usually are eager to go in. then I put the pegboard door in, and I can drag the tractor wherever I want it. I only put water in with them for the day, and sometimes some treats. their food is in the coop/run

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