Is Still air good ?

Without a fan to circulate the air you'll have hot and cool spots inside and depending on where your eggs are and where you have your temp gauges you may not know what the actual real temp is, because it won't be uniformly the same throughout. Some might be ok, some will be to cool and not develop properly and won't hatch and some will fry and won't hatch either.
I was wondering that too. Thanks for asking. I am thinking about getting a new incubator...any suggestions? Hatching goose eggs, too.
I just incubated in both a Brinsea Eco 20 and LG still air (both with turners). I split the eggs roughly in half, but I hatched everyone in the Brinsea. The Brinsea is a snap to keep humidity consistent. The LG I felt like I constantly had to tweak to raise the humidity. I did have trouble with some guinea eggs being much too tough (membrane) and a very hard shell, but I can't say for sure that it was the LG's fault.

All that being said, I'm simply sharing my very, very short experience. I will keep the LG around just in case I get alot of eggs and have nowhere to put them, but I really prefer the Brinsea.

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