Is there something wrong with my silkie roos???


15 Years
Jun 25, 2008
Hannibal, Missouri
I have three silkie roos, they crow and do the mating dance and everything... but when the hens sumbmit to them they just peck their heads and dont ever get on top of them and actually mate. I have a couple bantam hens and large fowl hens but the silkie roos NEVER do the deed... is there something wrong with them?
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They may just be slow learners, lol
I dont think they would be able to see!
maybe thats why they arent mating all the way!!! but the again they find their food and water and walk up the ramp just fine.....
Seriously, they do say Silkies take longer to mature, and they don't have any role models. Perhaps the dominant hen got between the males and other hens before they were squatting so willingly, and now the roosters aren't sure they have permission to mate. The same way a dominant rooster might prevent them from mating his hens.
They are silkies... it goes with the territory. They are almost all slow learners. There are the exceptional few however.

My lavender silkie rooster does the same thing. He grabs their head and 'squats' facing them... so weare going to AI... icky... icky... icky.

We are still hoping that maybe someday he will get it. Right now it seems cruel to let him anywhere near the girls... they think he is just attacking their faces for no apparent reason...

Did I mention that he apparently rides to the coop in the moning on the short bus.?.?.

Time. Time. Time. I think Emys is right it takes them longer to 'grow a pair'... ifin' you know what I mean. Almost all of the hens see the young roo's a commin and get all bossy and give them a talking to if they get anywhere near them.

Good luck... maybe by the spring!

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