Is this a cream legbar or was I dooped?


6 Years
Jul 16, 2013
I bought this cross beak out of sympathy. I love rescue chickens and I always wanted a cream legbar so I took this chick home. She was the dark chipmunk colors that females are supposed to be. Now her feathers are red orange and the comb is awful large. Would be 7-8 weeks old in these pics I took today. Is she a legbar??



have you seen the pedi paws dog nail trimmer? it works extremly well on nails and beaks for birds. I trimmed back an overgrown beak in a few seconds.

good luck
"She" looks like a cockerel, telling from that comb.
I'm not experienced with cream legbars, but it doesn't quite look like one to me. I would have expected a more grey color.
Also, it sort of looks like in the photos that your chick has muffs and a beard. Is this correct?

Good luck with your special-needs chick! Having a crossed beak is definitely going to be difficult for you and your chick to deal with, but I wish you luck.
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The chick is not a Cream Legbar, also it looks to be male.

His cross beak is very severe so please continue to monitor him closely, it is likely he may not live to adulthood. I wish you luck with your chick, Im sure he is the sweetest.

If you haven't found this thread yet it might be a helpful place for you to learn about and discuss your cross beak chick
Thanks. I do not want any roosters so I contacted the place I bought the "legbar" from and they will exchange it or refund.
Thanks. I do not want any roosters so I contacted the place I bought the "legbar" from and they will exchange it or refund.
I hope they didn't charge you Legbar prices for that chick.

Im glad they are making it right for you. If you get another chick be sure to share some pics:)

@Wyleiria I wish you luck and hope everything works out for you and your cute little chick, do whats right for you and what you feel is right for him.

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Chicken pickin and pickles thanks for being so kind to me. For the others, I feel like I should defend myself:

Yes it is a severe crossbeak. However, at the feed store they said it was able to eat fine. I felt it's crop and it was halfway full so I felt like this was true. Then I took the chick to a veterinarian and he said that if the chick was able to eat on it's own and fill it's crop then he didn't see any reason to cull yet. It is only slightly smaller than the others so I don't think it has poor nutrition. I don't feel like it's had a miserable life. It was hurtful to read that as I wanted to give it a chance, and I try to take care of my animals. Not many people actually take their birds to a vet, and it would have been culled then if he felt it was a bad quality of life.

As for the rooster comment... I was under the assumption I was buying an autosexing breed so I would avoid getting a male. This is what they said it was, and I paid a higher price for it. It wasn't like I bought straight run and hoped for the best.

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I never ment to be hurtful. I am sorry it came across that way. its really no need to leave though... I am not one of the people who take chickens to a vet so you got me there. I will however do whatever I realistically can to take care of sick birds. I dont necessarily keep chickens as pets, they do however provide my family with lots of joy and nutrition. my birds are livestock. I have however struggled to keep a quail alive that had a just as bad cross beak back when i first started... It really sucked when she died.

im sorry I ment no harm.

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