Is this a Dark Brahma and if so can you tell the sex?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 22, 2014
This was free from a local store and was in the "mix" box. Just curious what you all think...

This was at a couple days old (chipmunky looking one):

And here at about 3.5 weeks:

Any other tell tale signs that I could post pics of?
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by now you can sex it. Looks roo to me just based on the white coming in and the fact that at 3.5 weeks it is nearly featherless. I'm interested - can you post a new pic?
by now you can sex it. Looks roo to me just based on the white coming in and the fact that at 3.5 weeks it is nearly featherless. I'm interested - can you post a new pic?

I'm thinking roo too... 6.5 weeks.


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