Dark Brahma

What he said.

Once we know the age we can probably help more.
Once the chicks start to feather you'll see the boys have black bodies for the most part and the girls have brown penciled looking feathers instead of black.
The Dark Brahmas are one of those that the adult boys and girls look very different in color even though they are called "dark"
No it is not La~Poulet,

In Dark Brahmas, the females have pencilling whereas the males have none. In Buff Brahmas, neither sex has pencilling. The same goes for Light Brahmas.
Dark brahmas are easy to sex early, they're the only brahma breed you can do by feathers fairly early. As they put in juvenille feathering the males start to look very blotchy, with many feathers part or solid black.

The girls stay nice and evenly pre-pencilled looking. As they mature the boys get blotchier and blotchier and darker until they go black bodied entirely.

They're a favorite here. I'm getting more in the fall...
"Bantam Chickens" by Fred P. Jeffery. page 170 states "Somes(1971) points out that the buff brahma is an auto sexing breed--93 percent accuracy in differintiating males from females at hatching time. All chicks are black on back and head. The male is clear cream-yellow on the upper surface of wings, sides of head, and belly. The female is smokey Gray in these areas."

This also works on partridge check out this picture ..(I know that there are buff in the background but joachim does keep partridge as well so I assume this pic to be correctly labeled

you can check out this post


What is said in the picture about the partridges seems to hold true as darks are just silver penciled and partridges are gold penciled.

I know that there is more info around. Surprisingly Brahmas are one of the easier breeds to sex as chicks....additionally if you wait a few weeks the females seem to feather out much more quickly IMO
Thank you! That is very helpful. My 3 are all almost exactly the same coloration... going by the cloudy gray description, that makes them sound like females. One has a slightly more copper to the gold feathers around the head, I'll be curious to see if I have 3 of one or 1 different as they grow.

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