Is this a Roo?


Aug 9, 2022
Colorado Rocky Mountains
So I got a bunch of chicks and hatching eggs from a local breeder over the summer... this was one of our mystery hatching eggs, hatched early August so s/he is 5 months old today.

I originally thought this was a blue gold Brahma pullet, and named her Trixie. But today I saw "her" try to mount one of my Buff Orpies and suddenly realized the feathers aren't the same as my 5 other Brahma hens... and Trixie is much bigger than even my Black Copper Maran roo, Chipotle (who is most definitely a roo - he crows nonstop and has begun mounting hens).

What do you think, is Trixie actually a rooster? If so, do Brahmas just not crow much? I've never heard this one do it, and have only had Brahma hens before so I'm not sure.


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Thanks everyone! So Trixie is Trent...😂 It makes sense that since Chipotle is so vocal and dominant, that Trent here would take a back seat, especially if Brahmas don't crow very much. Here's Chipotle for reference... hatched a day apart from the same batch of mystery eggs. Both of them are beautiful boys, I'm just surprised I didn't notice sooner! Haha


  • 20230105_101528.jpg
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He's definitely a cockerel! Love the blue buff variety. Brahma roosters perhaps crow a bit less? The big difference to me is that some have a crow a lot lower in pitch compared to a normal rooster and more like a low yell. Perhaps wouldn't even sound like a crow to a non-chicken person! I'm sure this is just due to size though! If he's a huge boy, he might have a very deep crow too :)
He's definitely a cockerel! Love the blue buff variety. Brahma roosters perhaps crow a bit less? The big difference to me is that some have a crow a lot lower in pitch compared to a normal rooster and more like a low yell. Perhaps wouldn't even sound like a crow to a non-chicken person! I'm sure this is just due to size though! If he's a huge boy, he might have a very deep crow too :)
Ooh I'll listen for deep/ weird crowing... I bet he'll do it eventually! He's pretty big, definitely the biggest in my flock (21 total, 3 are now officially roo/ cockerels). Gorgeous colors, and he's got a good temperament... I think he'll be one of my son's 4-H show birds this summer. 😍
Ooh I'll listen for deep/ weird crowing... I bet he'll do it eventually! He's pretty big, definitely the biggest in my flock (21 total, 3 are now officially roo/ cockerels). Gorgeous colors, and he's got a good temperament... I think he'll be one of my son's 4-H show birds this summer. 😍
Just a heads up, blue buff isn't an APA recognized variety. I know in some fairs that doesn't matter but it did when I was a kid in mine. :) For mine in particular, open class could be unrecognized breeds and varieties however. I entered in some rarer breeds in 4-H not knowing this and they all were DQ-ed which is a pretty disappointing experience for a kid! Definitely look into that first!

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