Is this a sign I need goats?


11 Years
Feb 23, 2008
Bolton, NC
I've been watching poor Harley eat herself silly waiting on her kids
Drooling over all the new babies
Then this pops up on the Craigslist near me:

FREE to good home!!

2 Female African Pygmy goats
Mother and daughter
Mother is 3 yrs. old
Daughter is 2 yrs. old

Also will give u food and bowls and hay!!

They r very friendly!


If only I had a pen they would be here tomorrow.
Here's the link:

it a conspiracy to get me goats? Or just wishful thinking?
What difference does it make? If you want goats it IS a sign.
Just make sure you don't have Harley Fever and that you really want (and can properly care for) them
Definitely don't have Harley fever.

We(DH and I) have been discussing it for about a year now. We just aren't sure where on our property a good place for them would be. We would need to build a shelter and put up fencing.

Don't worry, I won't be getting these ladies.

I just thought it was hysterical.
Oh please.....they really need a good home
Get them and keep them in the garage.....or laundryroom until you get a pen
I mean they're FREE!
I don't have a garage and my laundry room is an enclosed porch just big enough to open the doors on the washer and dryer.

If I did have anywhere to keep them, trust me I would have emailed them already!!!

I guess I need to start buying materials for a goat house and pen, huh?
I know!!! Email them and Ask them to hold them a week while you build! You really shouldn't ignore a sign.

~KimberlyJ...the enabler

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