Is This Ameraucana Chick A Pullet or Cockerel?


May 8, 2015
Hi. About a month and a half ago I got some Ameraucana chicks from a fairly local breeder and she said they were all pullets. I got 4 ameraucanas. There's a slight age difference in them. 2 are a few days older than the other 2. Well, one of the older ones is looking like a rooster to me. And it wouldn't be such a big problem if I hadn't already bought his 3 month old splash brother about 3 weeks ago! I hope it's a girl. The comb is getting fairly large and pink..Can someone tell me if it's a boy? It's name is Blue. I'll add pics in a few minutes. Thanks





And I know she is most likely too young to be able to tell sex yet but I was just hoping I can get a few peoples opinions.
Based on the small tail and pink comb at such a young age, I guess cockerel. I have a half ameraucana pullet (dad is a wheaten ameraucana) at the same age. Her comb is small and yellow and much larger tail. But I'm no expert.
Does it have a tail? if it does it's a pullet., Now it looks like a pullet to me
Yes it does have a tail. It feathered in at the same rate as the other one it's age, and the other one looks like a pullet. Sorry the pics aren't very good it's hard to get good pics when she won't sit still and you're by yourself lol. I'm really happy that people think it's a pullet because I really don't want to have to get rid of Blue. And I don't want both Rory(Blue's older splash brother) and Blue if they are both roosters...
Based on the small tail and pink comb at such a young age, I guess cockerel. I have a half ameraucana pullet (dad is a wheaten ameraucana) at the same age. Her comb is small and yellow and much larger tail. But I'm no expert.
Her tail is actually much bigger than the pictures suggest. I won't be able to get anymore better pics of her until Sunday because I'm going on a trip for my birthday.

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