Is this feather picking or worse?


6 Years
Apr 17, 2015
Came out to check my girls tonight and found this. Four of them have this. She is by far the worst one. Please help. Any advice on how to take care of it. I have eight hens. In an enclosed pen. I also thought if any of the hens would be a bully it would have been her.
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Looks like cannibalism to me.
Please espain everything they are eating. Type of feed, protein percentage, other intake, i.e. scratch grains, table scraps, forage, etc.
They free run when we are outside to watch them. Lots of predators so we try to keep them close. Out maybe once a week. Our wood pile is beside the care so the bugs they get. And what ever veggies we don't use go to them. No meat or eggs or shells. Scratch grains as a treat every once and awhile. They have been together 7 months in this run. Got them all the same time as chicks. The weather is also getting colder here. Next week will be 40s
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Try giving them a meat or fish protein boost for a few days and cut back on the scratch grains. Your feed is 16% protein, the label says, no other supplements needed but if that is cut with anything low in protein like scratch and veggies, it can drop below that critical protein threshold.
I was growing out some birds and cut them back to 16% protein too early and I thought I had rats cause each morning, there would be a wound like that. I actually lost 3 birds before I caught the other chickens doing it. When they'd go to bed at night they started feather picking in front of the tail and kept going through the flesh and meat.

I mix fishmeal in with my feed but the easiest and cheapest technique I've found is canned mackerel. It's the cheapest canned fish per ounce but still a good source of animal protein.

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