Is this what they mean by a "favorite nest box"? :)

Wow... Never knew you had magic several-laying egg hens!
that bottom middle one is definitely your best layer!
AND she lays different colors!
So I had a giant nest box made, to fit several birds and all was well, until broody set in .... Ordered a wonderful nest box from a man who builds them on eBay ( there real big roomy and heavy duty) so we added the new box, low and behold another broody yep took over the new nesting box, and refusing to let anyone in. ... Pullets starting to lay and yep a new nest box like the last one ordered and placed ... Everyone is happy lol. Pullet egg found in the new nest box today lol. So let's figure this out, super large nest box able to hold several birds, 2 super large brand new nest boxes ordered and set down.... And only 2 birds laying right now lol, broodiness can be a pain in the buttocks lol.
Our chickens pile in as well. Yes, it is normal. We have a rooster exactly like your profile pic (Travis the barred rock). I've found him in a nesting box many times. We would find a lot of broken eggs, but we weren't sure if it was him or another hen. I would chase him out every time I caught him.
you took the words right out of my mouth!!!

These pics are all really great! Can't wait tell all of mine get big enough to start laying!

I happened to have a camera with me this day.One day I had 3 in here at one time.There was one in the box and another climbed in and when the third got in they realized that it was to crowded .

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