ISA-Brown page. :)))))))

The ISA Brown is a hybrid type of Sex Link chicken,thought to have been the result of crossing Rhode Island Reds and Rhode Island Whites. The ISA Brown is a hybrid, not a true breed, developed by breeding unrelated "dam" and "sire" lines together until the final ISA Brown result. It is known for its high egg production of approximately 300 eggs per hen in the first year of laying.

ISA stands for Institut de Sélection Animale, the company which developed the hybrid in 1978 for egg production as a battery hen. In 1997, the ISA Group merged with Merck & Co., forming Hubbard ISA, so the hybrid is sometimes called Hubbard Isa Brown. In 2005, Institut de Sélection Animale (ISA) and Hendrix Poultry Breeders (HPB) merged in ISA B.V., which also became part of the multi-species breeding company, Hendrix Genetics. In March 2005, Hubbard was purchased from Merial Ltd by Group Grimaud La Corbiere, SA.
I have only 2 ISA Browns. They are about three weeks old, and are still inside the kitchen with 2 barred rocks and 4 RIR. One has golden feet, the other, a dull, pale tan'ish. They ll appear to be healthy, and wanting OUT NOW! What's up with the fot color? AND, why can't I post a picture on this thread?
Needing help with my Isa Brown hen.

I need your help on what to do and what this might be.

She has been lethargic most of the day only wanting to stand in 1 position. Her bottom is all messy as if she has diarrhea. She is flexing her rectum a lot. Her tail is a little droopy.

I tried to give her an orange which is her favorite but she refused, even tried giving her dried worm treats and she refused. I put her on top of the coop roof where the water is and shes been there in the same area. I put a little bit of vinegar to losses up the crop in case thats it.

So far she is not eating and drinking but I put food and water out by her in case she wants to. Tomorrow Im going to clean her butt and bottom feathers and try to give her food/water by hand. If you have advice its much needed thank you in advance.

I love her so much poor girl :(

Here are some photos
A soak in warm salty water will help loosen the stuck poop, clean her up, and help her relax. Make sure to keep her warm as she dries. Check for maggots. If there are maggots present then unfortunately there is not much you can do. They get inside the chook and eat them alive...that has been my experience anyway...I haven't had any survive after I find maggots.

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