ISA-Brown page. :)))))))

the isabrown is a hybrid so you can not breed it together to make another right?

Correct, they don't breed true... I did an experiment 2/3 years ago and did breed some to see what I would get. I got a lot of different colors and patterns. I bred the chicks and after a few breedings, eventually the white gene was the dominent gene and most of the chicks turned out white.

These were the original one I bred.

Here they are older.

These are some of their offspring.

Here are the original breeding stock.

This is my ISA Brown Daisy! She's my favorite . She always comes running to me and follows me around the yard. She's very interested to see what I am doing. She's also the first one to eat out of my hand and go for the treats ( veggie scraps) I throw out in the yard. She's actually bigger now, just haven't gotten a more recent pic. I just love her!!
How do ISA Browns do in heat? Mine seem to be doing fine but I think it's going to get even hotter.
I have had many ISA Browns in the past and they did well in the heat. Some birds stop laying when it gets really hot but my ISA's always kept on laying.
I am home all day so when its a little hot i put pour some water on their dirt so they can scratch around in it and throw it in their feathers to cool off

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