ISA-Brown page. :)))))))

what a lovely bundle basket of joy!!!!
Hello! I have a 5, two year old ISA brown hens. One of my hens feathers have started to turn yellow from red color. I am very new owner to chickens and not sure what I should do or if this normal. I am also very new to this page site so I hope this is the right place to ask questions. Thanks for the help :)
Hello! I have a 5, two year old ISA brown hens. One of my hens feathers have started to turn yellow from red color. I am very new owner to chickens and not sure what I should do or if this normal. I am also very new to this page site so I hope this is the right place to ask questions. Thanks for the help :)

From the picture it looks like she is going through her yearly molt.
Thank you :) I did wonder if she was starting to molt, I've never been around molting chickens before.
How many eggs does an ISA brown hen lay a week? My girls are 12 weeks so I am just wondering what to expect. I was also wondering what age everyone's ISA browns started laying?
How many eggs does an ISA brown hen lay a week? My girls are 12 weeks so I am just wondering what to expect. I was also wondering what age everyone's ISA browns started laying?
My ISA Browns were mostly around 20 weeks when they started to lay. I did have one that started at 16 weeks. I averaged around 6 eggs per week per girl. Most of the time they only skipped a day a week of course except this time of year when they molt. My Heritage Rhode Island Reds are the best layers during their molts.
When they start to lay what should I expect? I have golf balls in the nesting boxes so do you think they would lay in there? Also do the first eggs tend to be really small? Or double yolkers?

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