ISA-Brown page. :)))))))

My isa browns are little over a year old and my lighter ones are more aggressive then the darker ones. Once they turned one they have all started to pick on one another with jumping on each other and pulling each other's feathers. I love the amount of eggs they lay but am going to slowly switch to other breeds.
Does anyone with ISA Brown pullets notice that the birds with more dark/red than light/white feathers are more aggressive? I have 6 that I got at the same time and were all raised together. They are about 11 weeks old now and as their adult feathers have come in, I've noticed that about half are more red/brown and the other half are red/brown on top but have mostly white feathers on their hind end and wingtips. I've also noticed that the mostly red/brown pullets are more aggressive; they chase my cats and smaller dog and try to "chase" me when I go out to the barn. If I try to touch them, they bite, and it's not just the curious peck that they did when they were small; it's an intentional hard bite and it hurts! My lighter girls are much more mellow and will let me pet and hold them without complaining and they may give my watch/jewelry an occasional curious peck, but they are not aggressive at all. 
I'm just wondering if there's a correlation between the darker feathers and the aggressive behavior, or if it's all purely coincidental? Has anyone else with ISA browns experienced this? 

Mine are the exact opposite! The darkest one I have it the nicest one and loves to be pet and held lol
We have gotten our first 3 eggs from the 14 ISA pullets we have...they are very small...smallest first eggs we have ever gotten...less than half the size of a regular size egg...makes me wonder about the reputation for very large eggs. This is our first ISA's so don't really have anything to compare.

The first egg from the first to lay was when she was 15 weeks and 6 days old...that is VERY young but we had read they sometimes start laying around 16 weeks. The first 3 eggs look like, based on size/color/shape that they are from 3 different pullets. Anyone have any opinions...?

I don't have any ISA's any more but mine were very pleasant.
We have gotten our first 3 eggs from the 14 ISA pullets we have...they are very small...smallest first eggs we have ever gotten...less than half the size of a regular size egg...makes me wonder about the reputation for very large eggs. This is our first ISA's so don't really have anything to compare.

The first egg from the first to lay was when she was 15 weeks and 6 days old...that is VERY young but we had read they sometimes start laying around 16 weeks. The first 3 eggs look like, based on size/color/shape that they are from 3 different pullets. Anyone have any opinions...?

It appears most likely they are from different birds. My earliest layer was at 16 weeks.
Yes, I have had a few pullets that have layed decent sized eggs when they first started laying but most of the eggs are smaller but get larger as they continue to lay. The is true with all of my breeds.
I have only raised buff's in recent years...about 5, and they usually started off with a bit of a smaller egg but very quickly went to their normal size. I have 14 ISA pullets and have gotten 17 eggs in the last 12 days...they have all been very small except one and it was a double yolk even though it was smaller than the typical double yolk...they are like bantam eggs...ha! I got the ISA's because of their reputation for prolific laying of large to extra large brown eggs...I'm still waiting.

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