Isaac, My 5 Year Old Delaware Rooster....Old Age is Closing In On The Big Guy (Long Story)

He needs to send some Mojo to my silkie roo.
Isaac had an upsetting incident this evening and needed some human comfort, which he gladly accepted.

I heard a commotion over the baby monitor and went to see if the problem was on Ike's or Rex's side of the coop. When I opened the door to Isaac's side, all the hens and Deacon were on the roost, but Isaac was squatted down on the bottom rung, sitting on his hocks, and was visibly upset and whimpering. He had jumped up to the bottom step as always to get up to his own roost bar, and his legs just collapsed on him (severe arthritis, especially in his right hock joint). He couldn't stand up and he couldn't get down without just falling off onto the floor so he was stuck, in pain and very unhappy.

DH gently lifted him up onto his main wide roost bar and began rubbing his back and talking to him. Isaac leaned into DH's chest, lowered his head and closed his eyes, obviously so grateful for the help. He let himself be held and comforted for about 5 minutes, then we quietly left the coop so he could get some rest. Like any human whose body betrays him, he was just plain traumatized by the lack of control of his own limbs. That sweet old rooster of mine has been such a blessing, I hope this arthritis doesn't actually cripple him as it has my almost 8 year old BR hen, Amanda.

Isaac, Jr., is growing like a week. He's over 2 weeks old now.

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