Isn't It Too Early For Eggs?

I know what you mean. By the time they're ready to go in the pen, I get a crazed, glazed look in my eye. Then I'm ready to do it all over again. :).
you both sound like me...or me like you! anyway, yep, I'm a 'bator-holic' ...'hatch-o-holic' for sure!
looked around today and found nothing,,,,,got the itch...need some eggs!!
critters, I have chicken eggs in the hatcher now. They're due to hatch today or tomorrow and I have that sick, sinking feeling in my stomach that I've inadvertently done something very wrong and none will hatch. No amount of encouragement from my family helps, either. My husband and step-daughter both had dreams that the chicks had hatched and jumped up first thing in the a.m. on two separate days to "see the chicks" that weren't there.

I think it's a contagious disease. I don't think there's a cure. Ah, Spring is here though. My next hatch will be guineas IF my guineas will start laying some eggs!!!!!!!!! I've had the talk with them, but I don't think they heard me, the little "rascals". Like teenagers, they never listen.
Oh geeze L, you have them in a 1588 with a automatic egg turner... you can't do anything wrong, lol. If the eggs were fertile, fresh and had been stored correctly before you set them they should hatch fine, just breath woman!

And my Guinea Hens that hatched around the same time yours did last season aren't laying yet either... so stop stressing over eggs, lol. (Sorry, not laughing at you... just been there done that myself).
Oh geeze L, you have them in a 1588 with a automatic egg turner... you can't do anything wrong, lol. If the eggs were fertile, fresh and had been stored correctly before you set them they should hatch fine, just breath woman!

And my Guinea Hens that hatched around the same time yours did last season aren't laying yet either... so stop stressing over eggs, lol. (Sorry, not laughing at you... just been there done that myself).

So.....what's your point? LOL. Okay, okay. I'm taking deep breaths, calming down, and keeping my nose to the window of the hatcher - but I'm doing it nonchalantly, and with class. :).
Uh huh, and I'm sure there will be several glasses of scotch involved too, lol.

My point was... well I don't remember now
Oh yah, something along the lines of stop stressing over things you have no control over, It is what it is, etc etc etc yada yada.

Good luck with your hatch, hope you have that long awaited poopy goodness going on in your brooder soon.

Be sure to TAKE PICS, and maybe actually upload and post them for us to see
critters, I have chicken eggs in the hatcher now. They're due to hatch today or tomorrow and I have that sick, sinking feeling in my stomach that I've inadvertently done something very wrong and none will hatch. No amount of encouragement from my family helps, either. My husband and step-daughter both had dreams that the chicks had hatched and jumped up first thing in the a.m. on two separate days to "see the chicks" that weren't there.

I think it's a contagious disease. I don't think there's a cure. Ah, Spring is here though. My next hatch will be guineas IF my guineas will start laying some eggs!!!!!!!!! I've had the talk with them, but I don't think they heard me, the little "rascals". Like teenagers, they never listen.

I "checked on" my incubators (chicken eggs) immediately after taking the last bite of the Valentine's dinner I cooked for Mark. That's just sick. What really makes it sick is that THEY'RE ONLY 7 DAYS IN....AND THEY'RE IN A 1588 WITH TURNER. It's sad. Very sad.
Oh, and talk about a SINKING FEELING.

Today I had the NCDA out here to test my birds for NPIP. It was hard seeing my birds stressed out, poked, swabbed and prodded. One of my guineas got a bump on da head from flying around the pen all crazy to get away from DA STRANGER.

But I truly did have this sortof overwhelming feeling after the people left. This sort of changes everything....if one of my birds tests positive, it's outta here. This steps it up a level. I guess they're not just pets anymore. But, this was my choice.... Anyway, made me feel very anxious and sad. I guess my birds mean more to me than I thought.

We'll see what happens.

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