ISO German Shepherd Doberman mix puppy


5 Years
Oct 1, 2018
Shelby County, AL
I am looking for a German Shepherd Doberman mix puppy. I just bought land for my homestead and will hopefully be moving onto it by the end of April, and will be living by myself for the first time, so I am looking for a personal dog, and one that will make others second guess tryin' to mess with me! I love German shepherds, but not so much the insane shedding. I know this is kind of a shot in the dark, but I thought I would try asking here anyway. If anyone in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, South Carolina, and up to and around Ashville, N.C. (as we are planning to go to the Mother Earth News Fair in Asheville) and you happen to have some puppies, or know someone who does, that will be ready to go to their new homes at the end of April, please let me know! I am willing to pay a reasonable adoption fee! Preferably no docked tails or cropped ears, but since the mix is hard to find I'll probably take one anyway!

Also, it MUST be a puppy. I would love to take an adult dog that is good with cats, but my cat is a jerkface and likes to pee everywhere when he doesn't like something new, and I think a puppy would upset him less. We kept a puppy for 3 weeks last year and he wasn't too upset by it, but when we got my mom's adult dog all heck broke loose! He eventually quit once he got used to her, but there was definitely a difference between bringing in an adult and bringing in a pup. I think he feels more able to assert dominance over a puppy, and therefor feels less threatened.
I highly recommend checking out shelters in your area, perfectly good dogs and puppies are put to sleep every day.

Please note that a puppy will not become protective until closer to 9 months or a year old... and true criminals KNOW how to put even a normally protective dog on the run. For me... a dog is a great alarm that might distract (or ward off) an intruder ( a LAYER of security) while I make my way to the artillery (and maybe 911)! Learning how to protect yourself and being confident to do so is a nice option if you have it. One of my main complaints is that when my dogs hear something their barking stops me from being able to discern if I should be concerned or they're barking at say a mouse or the wind. :barnie

I'm not super familiar with Doby... but having a short coat doesn't equal less shedding in my experience... just smaller hairs that weave more easily into fabrics... and for example a long haired weenie dog actually shed less than the short haired. Just sharing information so ya have something to think about, not trying to sway your choice. :)

Congrats on your new place and first lone adventure. I hope all your dreams come true!:wee
I had a shepherd a while back, and the problem is they shed in ginormous clumps. You could grab a handfull of fur and it would all come out and make a huge mess! And I know it won’t get rid of the shedding completely, but I just want to tame it a bit. Also, if I can’t find what I want by the time I move, I will adopt from a rescue. And what will probably happen is I will keep my mom’s dog until my pup is old enough to set up an alarm. She’s not exactly scary but is very loud. And that’s what I want mostly, is an alarm, but still, if a big dog will make someone second guess their decision, all the better!
We have two GS brothers! One is a shedder everyday everywhere! His brother not so much. There is some of his fur too and the first one gets blamed but the second does not have the double coat. It might be hard as a puppy but if you can search for the single layer I’m sure it helps!

As for the spring shed... still snow banks here so they are not quite there yet. In a few weeks the double layer will go out in a open section of yard and get bushes with a cow comb! Let the fur fly! I try to do this 3 or 4 times a week. Plus keep a dog comb handy in the kitchen, as he eats I do a quick brush.... sometimes it makes it way to the living room and he lets me brush him as the TV is on. Either way the vacuum gets a work out in our house!
Not giving up my puppy! Haha! he is 7 years old and a sweet heart
German shepherd rott/doberman mix- rescued. Loves everyone- but is protective of mom, and knows if any one is "hinky". I have not noticed alot of shedding- not long haired, long legs not German shep back legs- normal legs.

Nice to girl dogs- good with boy dogs as long as they are not taller- or mean.
I am looking for a German Shepherd Doberman mix puppy. I just bought land for my homestead and will hopefully be moving onto it by the end of April, and will be living by myself for the first time, so I am looking for a personal dog, and one that will make others second guess tryin' to mess with me! I love German shepherds, but not so much the insane shedding. I know this is kind of a shot in the dark, but I thought I would try asking here anyway. If anyone in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, South Carolina, and up to and around Ashville, N.C. (as we are planning to go to the Mother Earth News Fair in Asheville) and you happen to have some puppies, or know someone who does, that will be ready to go to their new homes at the end of April, please let me know! I am willing to pay a reasonable adoption fee! Preferably no docked tails or cropped ears, but since the mix is hard to find I'll probably take one anyway!

Also, it MUST be a puppy. I would love to take an adult dog that is good with cats, but my cat is a jerkface and likes to pee everywhere when he doesn't like something new, and I think a puppy would upset him less. We kept a puppy for 3 weeks last year and he wasn't too upset by it, but when we got my mom's adult dog all heck broke loose! He eventually quit once he got used to her, but there was definitely a difference between bringing in an adult and bringing in a pup. I think he feels more able to assert dominance over a puppy, and therefor feels less threatened.

I'm hoping you found your pup. I have had my girl Doby Shepherd for 4.5 years now and she's been the best dog (Sorry Toby) ever. Super alert. We talk and she responds to my training like no other dog ever. Yes, she lets me know by her barking if a cat has come in her yard (yes, it's hers....I just manage the property) or an intruder and I need to grab a piece of equipment to deal with it. She doesn't bite....that's not her job (it's mine). But she has traveled with me and stood guard over me when I need a nap (I leave the windows open now and yes a hand has tried to open the car with both her and me inside asleep...she didn't bite but airchomped her jaws loudly....the hand went away, go figure. But these are great dogs. When I get my Class A license and can start driving, I'm taking her with me too. This dog has seen more scenery than most of my friends. lol. Loves kids, loves chasing cats and loves me....I have never felt safer. So hopefully you've found 10 years I'll be sadly looking for another. Oh! them from a breeder and NOT THE POUND. I added an older dog for about 2 months who needed out of a bad situation but brought all of his tricks back to me. He had never been trained and apparently loved chickens. He didn't see me as alpha as my girl has known me since she was 7 weeks old so he didn't respect me or obey me. He ultimately killed 7 chickens and a turkey before I caught him at it (I thought a cat had done the deed). You want them as puppies before anyone teaches them bad habits they will never unlearn. Yes, it sucks that there are so many in the pound and while you MAY find one who hasn't been abused without training, the majority aren't worth the effort. Cut your losses, buy from a breeder and live a happy life. Mine cost me $180 with first shots. Unfortunately I spayed her 9 months later or I would now be driving to Texas to buy a doby shepherd male so I could breed her. Everyone loves her....except those who want in my yard.....and for those I have 30-06 to help change their minds. Good luck.
I did find one and I love her🥰 we got her at 9 weeks old, 11 lbs, and now she is a year and a half and 85 lbs of wiggly, bouncy goof ball named Marvel. She is OBSESSED with soccer balls and gatorade bottles. Had to get her a $45 indestructible soccer ball cause she destroyed 5 normal soccer balls in less than a month and if she finds a gatorade bottle sitting anywhere she will take it, even stole one out of my stepdad’s back pocket once! She also barks at fireflies and races cars down the front yard fence. She respects the fences around the chickens, even though they are not hot. I had to carry her 85 lb butt over an electric fence wire that wasn’t even hot, and was only 6 inches off the ground (it was a pig fence we were setting up) then she proceeded to leap over a stack of lumber 2 ft high, 3 feet wide. She prefers to sleep on hard surfaces, and refuses to keep a bed or even a simple fleece blanket under her to sleep. She either chews them to shreds or shoves them out of the way. I finally had to throw away one chewed up blanket that my stepdad had named her “Flintstones Blanket” because it was so full of holes. She loves to eat chicken and horse poop, but knows I hate it when she does, so she grabs a mouthful and takes off running to keep me from stopping her. She drives my mom’s dog crazy, a chihuahua terrier mix who whoops Marvel’s butt when pushed too far. She is also scared to death of the cat, but wants to play with him sooooo bad. She is a great doorbell, especially since we don’t have an actual doorbell, but we can also hear her when we are out in the back pasture (she isn’t allowed in the pasture if the chickens are free ranging) in case the neighbors show up for a random visit. She refuses to not use her paws when getting rubbed on, and thanks you for rubs by licking every inch of arm that she possibly can. Bully sticks are gone in minutes, no chew I have found except for Himalayan cheese sticks last longer than a day. She scared the crap out of a cyclist once. The fence in our front yard is made up of 2 electric wires, and she will not even dare go through it, and it’s hard to see unless you notice the posts. One day she was under the porch, and a cyclist was going down the road and broke the tree line. She waited until he was front and center to charge from under the porch, barking, growling, snarling, hackles raised, and I hear “Oh SH!+ come from his direction. She stopped at the fence of course, but that was still hilarious. Though, if the fence wasn’t there, she would have stopped short and just barked at him like crazy from a distance. She is actually a big wimp, but looks and sounds scary, which is what I want. Well, not necessarily the wimp part, but at least most people wouldn’t test her when she has those hackles raised! Her ears still can’t decide what to do sometime they hold themselves up be leaning on each other, sometimes they are folded back, sometimes they are half perked, sometimes one is doing one thing while the other is doing something else. Oh, and she snores😆I wouldn’t trade her for the world, even though she can be a pain sometimes. She is still a puppy though so hopefully she will calm a bit as she gets older.


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