It was self defense


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 23, 2010
The other night I had my kitchen door open while I was doing the dishes and getting the kids bathed and homework done. I look out my door just as a large rodent came running from my yard (I have 8 acres) onto my covered porch and into my door right at me. I instinctively kicked it and caught it square in the face. It went flying backwards and hit an ice chest on the porch. It went down to the concrete and commenced to flopping around. I called my daughter outside to look at this strange creature which I thought initially was a rat. As far as I can tell by comparing photographs on the internet, it is a pocket gopher. Has anyone ever been charged by a gopher before? It is getting cold in Oklahoma but it was a relatively mild night with temps in the low 60's. My daughter was pretty mad at me for killing it but I told her it was self defense and happened so fast I didn't have time to think of a humane way of getting it outside. I took some pictures of it and left it on an flatbed trailer. The next day it was gone. Either it was a zombie gopher or a hawk swooped down and got it.

Here is a picture. If anyone thinks it is something other than a pocket gopher, please let me know.


It kinda looks like the Rodents of Unusual Size from the movie Princess Bride, but smaller.

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Well I think that you did exactly what I would have done. I agree with your assessment of self defense. Of course I might have just stood there screaming like a wild woman.
Ok 2 things about this post scare the heck out of me. One is you live in Oklahoma and now I have to ask where. proble two is not even a week ago me and a farmer friend had the same thing happen in my front yard. He insisted it was just a mole and it was blind. I told him he was wrong that it was trying towoop me this lil guy followed me everywhere I went snarling and making and odd sound. after I repeatably asked him CAN I KILL IT YET..... (keep in mind my 6 year old was out there also) he walked closer toit and it sprung at him and started chasing him and biting his work boots. I kicked it so hard I swore i was kicking a winning field goal at a superbowl game and that was that. So I ask why are gophers charging people in Oklahoma?
It does seem to be extremely odd behavior. I would wonder about whether or not they are infected with rabies.
That is so strange. This one didn't make any noises but it ran about 10 feet across my porch and into my house. I don't know how far it came before I saw it. I see these critters when I mow or brush hog. Maybe I ran over one and they have a vendetta against me now. This happened about a week ago Tuesday.

I live in Choctaw.
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I've seen a lot of gophers, but I don't think I've ever seen one running. They usually move pretty slow above ground. But then, most of the ones I see are either dangling from a gopher trap or swimming to the surface after I've flooded their holes.
I don't know if it was just the shock of seeing it coming at me but this little yellow fanged demon seemed to be charging me at a full on sprint.

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